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Steps to achieving our strategic ambitions

How we'll work towards meeting the goals set by the University Strategy 2021 to 2026.


Students climbing the steps up to the parade.
Our strategy provides a high-level framework setting out what we want to achieve, by what means and in what timeframe.

Our strategy was formed during a global pandemic, with perhaps greater uncertainty about the future than many of us have experienced in our lifetimes. Therefore, our strategy provides a high-level framework setting out what we want to achieve, by what means, and in what timeframe, with the flexibility to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

The implementation of the University Strategy will be achieved via our ongoing operational planning processes, a range of specific action plans, and a programme of institutional initiatives. Implementation will be overseen by the University Executive Board and progress towards achieving our targets will be reported to our governing body, Council, for scrutiny.

The success of the University of Bath, more than ever before, will depend on our ability not only to create new ideas, build on our strengths and address, head on, those areas that we need to improve, but to collaborate, plan, and work together to achieve them with a collective sense of purpose and shared values.

One thing which does not constrain us is the strength of our collective ambition, to reach out and connect at every level, in order to achieve greater positive impact locally and globally.