Find out Student Experience Advisory Board's meeting dates and membership.
The Board is an Advisory Board to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience).
The Board will provide advice to the Chair who within their wider delegated authorities has the following specific authorities which fall within the scope of the Board:
- To approve minor changes to existing policies, i.e. changes that are not material to the substantive provisions such as revisions that reflect organisational changes
- To approve guidance documents regarding student policies
Primary Responsibilities
The Student Experience Advisory Board is advisory to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) and its primary responsibilities are:
- to provide assurance on proposed projects, changes to policy and updates to strategy which affect the student experience;
- providing an assessment of risk of any proposed change;
- reviewing implementation of the student experience elements of the University Strategy and identifying areas for future focus and how these might be prioritised.
- All parts of the student community – undergraduate and postgraduate, distance and campus-based, full and part-time, apprentices
- All stages of the student lifecycle, from recruitment through to graduation and post-graduation support
- All issues which directly affect the wellbeing and experience of, and opportunities for, students
- Develop and review a Student Experience Strategy and associated KPIs
- Monitor performance against KPIs at regular intervals
- Propose/approve revisions to University policies, procedures and plans relating to student experience
- Make recommendations regarding any implications for the student experience flowing from University plans, policies and practices
- Establish project groups as required to investigate, report on and implement work on specific student experience issues
- Provide guidance on the appropriate approval strategy and route for any changes within scope (UEB; Senate; Council; Department approval etc.)
- Maintain appropriate consultation and communication with all relevant stakeholders
- Consider developments within the sector at both a National and International level
- Consider aspects of student surveys, relevant to student experience, in conjunction with EQSC and/or Education Board and any other relevant boards or committees.
- Consider how the conduct of its business could affect compliance with the University’s free speech duties
Procedural Rules
Chair | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) |
Quorum | One third of membership |
Alternates | Ex-officio members may be represented by alternates if required. |
Co-optees | The group may co-opt additional members for a time-limited period to support particular issues. |
Minutes | The minutes will be shared through UEB. The chair or delegated person will report on matters arising from the minutes at UEB. |
Meeting frequency | Quarterly, or as determined by cycle of business |
Decision process | Primary: in-meeting by general agreement |
Secondary: email outside meetings; requires 75% of membership to agree | |
Tertiary: by Chair’s action, to be reported to next meeting | |
The decision-making process will also consider whether the matter should be referred to UEB because it falls outside the specific delegations above | |
Secretary | Nominated by Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) |