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Student representation processes

The University of Bath and its Students’ Union (SU) work together to ensure that student voice and representation is embedded at every level of decision making.


Wherever possible, we encourage staff and students to make use of our current student representation processes to engage with students.

Institution-level student representation

Student representation roles

Student representation roles at an institutional level are recruited for, trained, supported and organised by the Students’ Union (SU).

It is worth noting that all SU Student Leaders and Representatives are supported by one or more staff teams within the SU. Staff will work closely with students, to both support them through their role but to also offer guidance, training and relevant data to ensure student leaders and representatives are fulfilling the remit of their roles, and making a difference to the wider student community.

SU Officers

Including SU President, Education Officer, Postgraduate officer, Sports Officer, Activities Officer and Community Officer. Elected by the Student Body, our SU Officers are the most senior student representatives within the University. Working full-time for a year in paid positions, they lead the SU as Trustees and attend senior university meetings to ensure student voice is discussed at the highest levels of the University.

Senate Representative

Our Senate Representative is a student who is elected annually to attend University Senate meetings. They attend Senate alongside the SU President, Education Officer and Postgraduate Officer. All are there to provide detailed examples of lived student experiences to support senate discussions.

EDIC Representative

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) representative is a student who is elected as Chair of the SU’s Diversity and Support Exec Committee, and, as a result, is automatically invited to EDIC meetings. Our EDIC representative attends EDIC meetings alongside the SU Community Officer, and is there to represent the Student Voice.

NUS Delegates

The SU Bath is a member of the National Union of Students (NUS). Every year the NUS runs a series of events and conferences in which SUs can send delegates. Delegates can include SU Officers as well as individual elected students. NUS conferences and events tend to discuss and deliver policy relating to national Higher Education based issues, such as funding, accommodation and cost of living.

SU Staff

Within the SU, there are around 50 full-time and part-time staff working in the background to support students across our university community.

Within the SU staffing structure, there is a Student Voice Staff Team whose role it is to empower the student voice at Bath. Split into the SU Education Team, Data and Insight, as well as Democracy and EDI, the staff teams provides support, advice and expertise to student representatives as well as the wider university community to ensure student insight and feedback is shared and discussed at all levels of the university.

Key student meetings

The following student representative meetings are organised by the SU. If you would like to learn more about one of these meetings, or have a particular idea or proposal that you would like to discuss at one of these meetings, please contact to speak with a member of staff from the SU.

UG Academic Council

Chaired by the SU Education Officer, Academic Council is a space for our undergraduate Academic Reps to come together and discuss the big issues currently impacting undergraduate students across the University of Bath. This meeting empowers our undergraduate Academic Reps to get involved with institutional-based discussions, and present peer feedback they have collected to inform discussions. Staff from the University can attend Academic Council to collect student feedback.  

UG Academic Exec

Academic Exec is chaired by the Senate Rep assisted by the SU Education Officer and with Faculty Reps in attendance. This meeting allows the Faculty Reps to feed in key topics or subjects of interest that they have discovered either through their Faculty Forums or through more general consultation with their Academic Reps.    Academic Exec also acts as a useful space in which the SU Education Officer can be updated on prominent issues, particularly those taking place at either faculty/school or department level. This helps to inform key discussions that take place within university committees

Postgraduate Taught Council

Chaired by the SU Postgraduate Officer, Postgraduate Council is a space for all our taught postgraduate (PGT) Academics Reps to come together and discuss the big issues currently impacting PGT students across the University of Bath. This meeting empowers our PGT Academic Reps to get involved with institutional based discussions, and present peer feedback they have collected to inform discussions. Staff from the University can attend PGT Council to collect student feedback.

Postgraduate Taught Exec

PGT Exec is chaired by an independent taught postgraduate student who is elected at the start of the academic year. In attendance are the SU Postgraduate Officer, PGT Faculty Reps and four PGT Students who fill our Open Places.   PGT Exec is a space in which prominent issues are discussed which relate to the entirety of the PGT experience. For example, events, campaigns, academic concerns, transport issues, as well as PGT accommodation and transport are discussed.

Doctoral Council

Chaired by the SU Postgraduate Officer, Doctoral Council is a space for all our Doctoral Reps to come together and discuss the big issues currently impacting Doctoral students across the University of Bath. This meeting empowers our Doctoral Academic Reps to get involved with institutional based discussions, and present peer feedback they have collected to inform discussions. Staff from the University can attend Doctoral Council to collect student feedback.

Doctoral Exec

Doctoral Exec is chaired by an independent doctoral student who is elected at the start of the academic year. In attendance are the SU Postgraduate Officer, as well as the four Doctoral Faculty Reps. Doctoral Exec is solely focused on the educational experience for doctoral students.

Importantly whilst Doctoral Exec creates a space in which the Doctoral Faculty Reps can get together to share insight and best practice, it also creates a space in which the SU Postgraduate Officer can be updated on prominent doctoral student issues. They can feed these items back into the relevant discussions they are having with key stakeholders and through university committee meetings.


SUmmit is committee of student leaders brought together to shape the political direction of the SU.

Diversity and Support Exec

The Diversity and Support (D&S) Exec supports the SU Community Officer and the Student Voice Coordinator to flag issues and implement solutions related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I). The D&S Exec is responsible for supporting and representing the Diversity and Support groups. The committee ensures that students' diversity and support-related concerns are being addressed by the SU and the University. 

The SU’s, Diversity and Support Groups are: - LGBT+ - Disability Action Group - Feminism and Gender Equality - Race Equality Group - Bath Exchange Network - Mature Students Group - Nightline - Student Minds - 93% Club - It Happens Here

Members of these groups collectively make up the membership of the SU’s D&S Exec.

International Exec

 The International Exec is a group of elected international students which supports the Community Officer. The International Exec is made up of a Chair and four open positions. Other roles which will be regularly invited to attend include, but are not limited to, Activities Exec Reps and Faith and Cultural Reps. The role of the Exec is to represent the international student voice in the SU and to the University.  The Exec works together to identify key issues and represent international student views through campaigns, meetings, and other outreach activities. 

Sport Exec

The Sport Exec are an elected body who work with the Sports Officer to represent the voices of sports clubs and societies to the SU and University. 

Activities Exec

The Activities Exec are an elected body who work with the Activities Officer to represent the voices of societies and volunteering groups to the SU and University.

Hall Committees

Hall committees are made up of elected student residents in University Accommodation Halls to represent the views of their hall-mates and organise events for community building.

University staff roles

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Experience) and Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Voice)

Reporting to the PVC (Student Experience), the APVC (Student Voice) oversees the delivery of student voice and representation for the University, working closely with the SU, Faculties/School, Professional services and colleagues across the University community.

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education & Global) and Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Quality & Standards)

Reporting to the PVC (Education & Global), the APVC (Quality and Standards) and University Registry ensure student voice gathered throughout the year, and particularly from student surveys, is embedded into annual curriculum review, enhancement and action planning.

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) and Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Doctoral)

Reporting to the PVC (Research), the APVC (Doctoral) ensures that doctoral student representation and voice is embedded in annual review, enhancement, supervisor training and action planning.

Student Engagement Team

The Student Engagement Team (SET) supports staff at all levels to engage students in institutional surveys, increase response rates, close the feedback loop and act on student feedback. SET also supports the SU with developing the academic representation system.

Key University Committees and Groups

The following are key University committees and groups that ensure student voice and representation processes function well and that the University is working in partnership with students to make decisions. The membership of all of these groups comprises academic, professional services and SU staff as well as student representatives.


Senate is responsible for regulating and directing the academic work of the University. This includes setting all quality standards associate with student voice and representation, and receiving all Staff / Student Liaison Committees (SSLCs) minutes from across the University for noting.

Student Experience Advisory Board

Student Experience Advisory Board (SEAB) advises and supports the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Experience) in all matters to do with wider student experience.

Student Voice Leadership Group

The Student Voice Leadership Group (SVLG) is a sub-group of SEAB, and its membership comprises academic, professional services, SU staff and students. It is chaired by the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Voice).

Education Advisory Board

Education Advisory Board (EAB) advises and supports the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) in all matters to do with Education. EAB considers all issues that directly affect students’ academic experience of their education.

Online Unit Evaluation Working Group

The Online Unit Evaluation (OUE) Working Group is a sub-group of the EAB focused on improving our education-based student voice mechanisms. The group is chaired by the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Voice).

University Doctoral Studies Committee

University Doctoral Studies Committee is responsible to Senate for strategic coordination, the maintenance of high standards and the continuous improvement of the student experience for all doctoral study, including taught components of doctoral programmes and all Doctoral Training Entities.

Key university surveys

Surveys are used to capture feedback from the widest possible student population. National surveys such as the NSS, PTES, PRES and PDES capture student feedback on both education and wider student experience. Internal surveys capture additional student feedback on these issues, but also issues around wellbeing and mental health, climate action, accommodation, financial support and induction. All key surveys are mapped in a survey repository.

Faculty/School-level student representation

Faculty/School student representation roles

Faculty Representatives (UG and PGT)

Our Faculty Reps are students who have been elected to the position and act as senior Academic Representatives who are located within the Faculties and the School. Liaising with the Academic Reps, their role exists so they can escalate emerging issues beyond academic departments, and work closely with senior academic staff such as Associate Deans (Education) to rectify any issues.

Faculty Representatives (Doctoral)

Our Doctoral Faculty Reps are students who have been elected to the position and act as senior Doctoral Representatives who are located within the Faculties and the School. Liaising with the Doctoral Reps, Faculty Reps exist so they can escalate emerging issues, and work closely with senior stakeholders such as Associate Deans (Research), as well as the Doctoral College.

Key student representative meetings and opportunities

These meetings and opportunities are organised and supported by the SU.

Faculty Forums (UG and PGT)

Faculty Forums are a place for the Faculty Reps to have direct interaction with the Academic Reps in their area. As Chair, Faculty Reps set the agenda and ask for feedback on various aspects of the learning experience to feedback into Faculty/School Learning, Teaching and Quality Committees (F/SLTQCs) and Board of Studies meetings. Academic Reps may also bring up issues they have been unable to make progress with at a course or department level, so they can be escalated and resolved. Where necessary, University Staff will be invited into Faculty Forums to provide further clarity or context on key points of discussion.

Faculty/School staff roles

Associate Deans (Education)

The Associate Deans (Education) (AD-Es) oversee education for each Faculty/School and ensure student voice is represented at Faculty/School-level decision making through promoting the electoral process, liaison with Faculty Reps, use of student survey data, and bespoke student partnership work.

Student Engagement Officers and Managers

Student Engagement Officers and Managers in Humanities & Social Sciences, Science and the School of Management oversee student engagement and student voice activity for their faculty or the School.

Key Faculty/School Committees and Groups

Student Faculty Representatives sit on several committees.

Faculty/School Board of Studies

Responsible for the organisation of education, teaching and research in the Faculty/School, including approval of awards and progression of students.

Faculty/School Learning and Teaching Quality Committee

Faculty/School Learning and Teaching Quality Committee (F/SLTQC) is responsible to the Faculty/School Board of Studies for the academic standards and quality of undergraduate and taught postgraduate provision.

Faculty/School Doctoral Studies Committee

Faculty/School Doctoral Studies Committee is responsible to the University Doctoral Studies Committee for quality and academic standards of doctoral study within the Faculty/School.

Department/Course-level student representation

Department/Course student representation roles

Academic Representatives (UG and PGT)

Academic Reps are students elected to represent their cohort's academic views and concerns at a course and department level. Academic Reps are spread right across the university, giving the opportunity for students from first-year through to final year, as well as all students on PGT pathways and Placement Years to be the voice of their peers.   These representatives are elected over two points in the year: Spring Elections allow us to elect UG students from second-year and above, ready for the following September, whilst our October elections, help us elect first year UG and PGT students.

Departmental Student Leaders

Although they are not officially student voice roles, there are a range of student volunteer roles within each academic department that contribute to a community of student voice and partnership, liaising with staff and representing student interests. These roles are organised, trained and supported by the SU, and include:

Undergraduate Peer Mentors

Every first-year student is provided with a Peer Mentor who is a student within their course who has experienced the transition into university life. Peer Mentors are trained, and provide support for the first-year students, while also escalating emerging issues to Lead Peer Mentors, and staff within their course/department/faculty.

Doctoral Peer Mentors

Every doctoral student is provided with a Peer Mentor who is a fellow doctoral student who is currently working towards their degree. Peer Mentors are trained, and provide support for new doctoral students, as well as escalating emerging issues to staff within the Doctoral College. 

Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Leaders

PAL (Peer Assisted Learning) Leaders are undergraduate students who have previously completed the year or unit PAL is linked to. They volunteer their time to plan and lead sessions, facilitate discussions and activities and support their peers. PAL Leaders meet frequently with academic staff, and feedback emerging issues. This is currently run in limited courses.

Department/Course staff roles

Heads of Department and Directors of Teaching

Heads of Department (HoDs) and Directors of Teaching (DoTs) are responsible for ensuring that student feedback and partnership is incorporated into annual planning, enhancement, action planning and evaluation.

Departmental Directors of Studies

Directors of Studies (DoSs) are responsible for the operational and strategic management of taught courses within departments, including student voice activity through academic or doctoral reps, SSLCs and departmental rep communities. There are DoSs for undergraduate, taught postgraduate and doctoral courses.

Programme Administrators

Programme Administrators administrate SSLCs, report SSLC minutes to the SU, and support action planning between staff and students within academic departments.

Key Department/Course Committees

Staff / Student Liaison Committees

Staff / Student Liaison Committees (SSLCs) provide a two-way communication channel between staff and all sections of the student cohort about all aspects of the student academic experience.

Department Learning and Teaching Quality Committee

A student Academic Representative sits on the Department Learning and Teaching Quality Committee (DLTQC) to represent student voice as part of departmental decision making. DLTQCs monitor:

  • academic development
  • academic standards, including course evaluation
  • student feedback (including the NSS)
  • reports from External Examiners, DoSs and SSLCs
  • new academic initiatives
  • quality assurance procedural and academic framework requirements
  • degree scheme review and professional accreditation reports

Department/Course-level surveys

Surveys are used to capture feedback from the widest possible student cohorts. This feedback is reviewed by unit convenors and collated and reviewed at SSLCs and DLTQCs as part of continuous improvement and development.

Course-level Survey

All continuing students are given the opportunity to provide feedback on their course through the course-level survey. Feedback is discussed, and action plans are created and communicated through DLTQC and SSLCs.

Online Unit Evaluations

All students are asked to feedback on their experience towards the end of each unit via Online Unit Evaluations (OUEs). OUEs are organised by unit convenors.

OUE information is available for staff and students.

Mid-unit evaluations

Most unit convenors give students an informal opportunity to provide feedback mid-way through the unit so changes can be made for the rest of that semester’s delivery.

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