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Summary of the November 2023 staff Work and Wellbeing survey results

Take a look at the results of the core questions from the staff survey run in November 2023.

Annual Accounts

Work & Wellbeing survey logo
Work & Wellbeing survey logo

Survey results

Thank you for completing the recent Work and Wellbeing survey. These are the results of the core questions in the Work and Wellbeing Survey run in November 2023. The report outlines the headline results. The response rate for the survey was 1,290 (34%) .


Carried out between 28 November and 12 December 2023, this survey was marked in terms of profile of respondents, specifically the higher level of participation by E&R staff. Additional effort was made to encourage staff to take part (through a video communicating the importance of the survey results and the impact that these have). The final tally of 34% was an improvement from the previous survey and in line with earlier levels of participation. Significantly, this survey had the highest contribution from E&R staff (35.4%), compared to previous surveys, possibly drawn by the workload theme, an area anticipated to be of concern. As a staff group with traditionally lower levels of engagement, this needs to be taken into account when interpreting the results. ​

Longitudinal analysis of core questions

ONS4 Wellbeing questions

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  • In the latest survey (November 2023), three ONS4 wellbeing indicators were lower compared to previous timepoints, but were not statistically significant. Feelings of worthwhile remain stable.

  • Anxiety levels were significantly higher than June 2023 and 2022, and October 2021.

  • University figures continue to be slightly lower than national levels.

Harmony questions

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  • Sense of community has dropped but has not changed significantly since October 2021.

  • Staff's sense of pride to be working at the university has significantly decreased since June 2023, as well as scoring marginally lower than in March 2023.

  • Satisfaction with work-life balance was lower than in June 2022, March 2023 and June 2023 (but not different when looking at other timepoints prior to this).

Management satisfaction questions

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  • Management satisfaction was not statistically different in the November 2023 survey than at previous timepoints since February 2022.

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