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Typecase glossary

A glossary of terms used in Typecase to help you understand their definitions and uses.


Using the glossary

The glossary is written in alphabetical order.

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Typecase glossary


Accessibility is the practice of making sure people can perceive, navigate, understand, and interact with the website and its content, irrespective of device, disability, or impairment.

As a public sector body, we're legally required to make the content on our website as accessible as possible. The government checks our content to make sure it complies with the internationally recognised guidelines from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Read more about digital accessibility and why it's important.


Admin is the highest level of Typecase user access. Admins have a full range of permissions in Typecase. Only users from Digital Content and Development are added to this group.

Alternative text (alt text)

Alternative text is a short written description of an image, which makes sense of that image when it can't be viewed for some reason, including visual impairments or disabilities. This text is read by screen readers and other assistive technology, enhancing the page's accessibility.

Anchor links take users to a specific heading on a web page, instead of to the top of that page. This heading could be on the same page the user is looking at or on a different page.

Associated organisations and groups

Associated organisations and groups are the University institutes, faculties, departments, research centres and teams that have access to a shared content item. Read more about Associated organisations and groups.


Author is the third highest level of Typecase user access. Authors can create, edit and publish content items on their own.

Body copy

Body copy is the main text for a section of a web page. The body copy usually comes after a section heading and summary.

A broken link is a hyperlink or button that's linked to a web page that doesn't exist. This is also known as a '404' as users see a '404' message on their screen when they try to follow a broken link.


A browser is an application used to access and view websites. Common web browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge.


Buttons are graphic elements on a web page, used to display a link in a standard format as part of a component, making them easy for users to recognise.

Call to action (CTA)

A call to action is a link and link text designed to encourage a user to achieve the next step in completing their task, such as signing up to a mailing list. In Typecase, CTAs are presented as hyperlinked buttons.


A caption is a short piece of text presented with an image to give the image additional meaning or context.

Closed captions (CC)

Closed captions are a transcript that appears as text on the screen in time with the words spoken in a video or audio file. They're different to subtitles in that they include who's talking and can also mention other sounds like music or laughter. You can also turn off closed captions, whereas open captions are burned into the video and cannot be turned off. Captions make video content more accessible for all users, and should always be included when we create and upload video content.

Character limit

A character limit is the maximum number of characters, including spaces, that can be added to a text field.


A component is an element of a Typecase template used to add content to a web page in a structured format.


Content describes both information on a web page in the form of text, images, graphics, or multimedia, and also a web page or pages.

Content item

A content item is a web page or other piece of content created in Typecase.

Content type

A content type is the category of a webpage created in Typecase. Content creators choose a content type based on the user need and the purpose of the content, for example, to tell a story, promote an event, or guide people through a process.


Contributor is the first level of Typecase user access. Contributors can create and edit content items, but can't publish them.


Copy refers to the words on a web page.

Core components

Core components are the components that are included on every Typecase template. Read the guide to using the core components.

Course pages

Course pages are the pages on the University website that provide information about our courses, created in the Typecase for Courses platform.


A device is a piece of equipment used to access a website, such as a mobile, tablet, or laptop.

Drag-and-drop components

Drag-and-drop components are components that can be reordered within a template to change the structure of a web page.

A drop-down menu is a list of choices that a user can open on screen to make a selection.


Editor is the second highest level of Typecase user access. Just like Authors, Editors can create, edit and publish content items on their own. They can also perform additional actions on pages owned by their primary organisation.

Embed (noun)

An embed is a piece of content, like a video or image gallery, displayed on a website but hosted on another website.

Embed (verb)

To embed means to incorporate a video or other media, hosted on another website, within the body of a web page, rather than linking to it.

Embed code

An embed code is a code copied and pasted into the Typecase template to display content from another website. For example, a video on Vimeo will have an embed code that can be used to embed the video on a Typecase page.

External website

An external website is any web content that is outside


A field is any box in a Typecase template for adding text or Markdown.

Filtered list

A filtered list is an automatically-generated list of pages on the website. All the content items in a filtered list have the same content type and can have one or more additional common features, like the same Label or Owning organisation.

Fixed-position components

Fixed-position components are components within a Typecase template that cannot be moved from their position on the page.

Full-width image

A full-width image is an image with no border, which fills the width of the screen it's displayed on.

Global navigation is the main menu that appears towards the top of every page on our website. On the global navigation is a black horizontal bar containing links to pages as well as a search bar.

Heading styles

Heading styles are formatted text that determines the hierarchy of headings and subheadings, creating clearly defined sections throughout a web page. Headings make the structure of your documents accessible to screen readers while improving both scannability and maintainability.


The full-width section at the top of a web page that includes the page title and summary, as well as optional features like an image or a call to action. 'Banner' is an alternative term used on other platforms.


A homepage is the single, default, introductory main page of a website, such as

A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can select to jump to a new page or a new section within the same page. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all web pages, allowing users to move from page to page. Hyperlinks should always be accessible, giving the reader a clear indication of the content they will navigate to if they select it.

Image aspect ratio

Image aspect ratio is the ratio of an image's width to its height. It is commonly expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, as in 16:9.

An image gallery is a collection of images that a user can scroll through, usually by clicking left or right arrows.

Image URL

An image URL is the web address of an image that has been uploaded to Flickr, used to pull the image onto a Typecase web page.

In-page navigation

In-page navigation is a list of the section headings on a web page, each linked to the appropriate section on that page.

Label (noun)

A Label is a word or phrase applied to a content item in Typecase, allowing that item to be pinned to other pages and featured on filtered lists.

Label (verb)

To Label something means to add one or more Labels to a page. Read the guide to using Labels.


Legacy is the name of the content type templates in the Origins design system. Origins is an older design system that is being replaced by Lens.


Lens is the latest design system for the University website, consisting of the typography, colour palette, grid definition, and pattern library that make up our web pages.

Link text is the copy that tells someone what they can expect to do or find when they use a link. It should be brief and indicate the content of the destination page clearly. Generic link text ('click here', for example) isn't accessible and should not be used.

Live page

A live page is a web page that has been published on the website, as opposed to a preview page.

Local navigation

Local navigation describes a second set of links that displays in a light blue bar below the Global navigation on many of our website's pages. It is also known by its Typecase component name, Navigation section. Themed around a particular topic, department or group, local navigation helps users find more of your pages on the website.


Markdown is a simple markup language used in Typecase to format text when it's displayed on a web page. For example, Markdown lets users create headings of different sizes as well as tables to display data clearly.


Microcopy is the text on Typecase templates which explains how to edit different components.


Multimedia is images, audio, video, or other media displayed on a web page.

A Navigation is a list of links, usually at the top of a web page, which helps users to move to related pages on the website.


Origins is the name of the design system used on the University website before Lens.

Owning organisation or group

Owning organisations or groups are the University departments and teams that are responsible for a content item. Read more about Owning organisations and groups.

Pinned item

A Pinned item is a page linked to within a Pinned items component, displayed as a link, title, summary, and optional image on a web page.

Pinned item image

A Pinned item image is an optional image, added to a content item, which displays on another page as part of a Pinned item.

Preview page

A preview page is the draft version of a Typecase page that has the full appearance and function of a live page, used to check for errors before publishing. Preview pages are only visible to people connected to the University network.


To publish a page means to make a page available for anyone to find on the University website.

Publishing platform

A publishing platform is a tool used to manage content on a website, ours is called Typecase.

Radio buttons

Radio buttons are a list of options where only one option can be selected at a time.

Required field

A required field is a text field that must be completed in order to save a content item.

Screen reader

A screen reader is software that reads text, alt text and field labels on web pages to people who are blind or have low vision.

A search box is a field that keywords can be typed into to filter a list of results.

Search engine

A search engine is a programme that searches the internet or a single website for results that match the keywords typed into it.

Section heading

A section heading is a heading at the start of a section of a web page. Section headings in Typecase are H1 (heading 1), meaning they are at the top of the hierarchy of heading styles.

Stock image

A stock image is a generic photograph supplied by a third-party website, licenced for use, for example, on websites and marketing materials.

Structured content

Structured content is content on a website that is structured in a specific and predictable way, making it easier for people and search engines to find different types of information, for example, event dates and locations. Well-structured content is an important element of accessible digital content enabling everyone to navigate web pages more easily.


A subheading is used after a section heading to introduce additional information within that section. Subheadings must follow the hierarchy H2 (heading 2), H3.


A subtype is the subcategory of a webpage created in Typecase. Content types have specific subtypes to help make the web page easier to find and better suited to the user need and the purpose of the content.


A summary is an overview of the content on a web page displayed immediately after the title. The summary helps people find the right page through search engines by telling them who the page is for and what they can expect to find there.


Superscript is a letter, figure, or symbol written above the line of text.


A tagline is a short sentence or phrase that stands out from other copy on a page, usually used for promotional purposes. There is a separate field for taglines in some Typecase components.


A template is a structured form made up of components and fields, used for creating a web page in Typecase. Each of the content types uses a different template.


The title is the name of a web page created in Typecase. Titles are used to create the URL of the web page and must be specific and descriptive to help people find the content through search.


Typecase is the name of the publishing platform used to create and manage content items on the University website.

Typecase for Courses

Typecase for Courses is the name of the publishing platform used to create and manage course pages on the University website.

University network

The University network allows you to access the University's internet-based platforms and services through University devices, eduroam Wi-Fi, and the University's Virtual Private Network (VPN).


To unpublish means to remove a page from the live version of the University website so it's only visible as a preview page to people on the University network.


A URL is the unique address of a web page. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.


A user is a person accessing a website or using Typecase or Typecase for Courses.

User need

The user need is the reason a user is accessing a web page, for example, to complete a task or find information.

User story

A user story is a way of articulating a user need. Typecase users must write a user story for every content item to make sure it answers the user need.

Web page

A web page is a page on a website determined by a single URL.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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