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Undergraduate subjects 2025

Choose from over 190 undergraduate degrees in subjects including engineering, humanities, management, science, and social science.


Find and apply for an undergraduate course with options for work placements and studying abroad.

Accounting and finance

Accounting and finance combines the study of accounting and financial systems with the measurement and communication of this information.


Architecture is the practice of designing buildings, places and spaces. Architects use science, art and technology to create the built environment.


A highly relevant area of study preparing you for addressing global issues such as food security, human health and environmental sustainability.

Business and management

Explore the business environment and learn how organisations function. Our courses cover core topics like managing people, business analytics, marketing and finance.

Chemical engineering

Chemical engineering benefits society and the environment by combining science and mathematics to develop new and sustainable technologies, processes and products.


Chemists study the structure, properties and synthesis of matter, preparing you for a wide range of careers from industry to business or healthcare.

Civil engineering

Civil, structural and architectural engineers design and shape the built environment, using creativity to improve the world we live in for a sustainable future.

Computer science

Computer science is the science behind much of the technology we use in our daily lives. Programming is a core topic but there’s so much more to learn.


Criminology is the study of crime and criminality, as well as society’s response to these.


Economics is about understanding the choices consumers and producers make.


Studying education is your chance to understand how humans develop and transform through learning.

Electronic and electrical engineering

The study of electricity and its application in modern systems and devices, underpinning most technological advances in industry and society.

Integrated mechanical and electrical engineering

Learn about the design and manufacture of electrical and mechanical devices, technologies and systems by combining the core elements of both engineering sciences.

International development

International development concerns the global challenge of combating poverty and injustice.

Mathematical sciences

Mathematics bridges the gap between the theoretical and physical worlds and is crucial for many other subjects from the physical and social sciences to management and business.

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering combines mathematics and scientific analysis with creative thinking to design and manufacture machines, technologies and systems.

Modern languages

Being able to communicate effectively in other languages can open exciting personal opportunities in your career and life.

Natural sciences

From researching elephant behaviour in Zimbabwe, to studying laser physics in Oxford or working as a metallurgist in Australia, studying Natural Sciences at Bath can open up a world of possibilities.


Play a vital role in the discovery, development and testing of therapeutic agents to improve global health.


Pharmacists are at the front line of the modern healthcare system. Experts in medicines design and use, they play a critical role in improving patient health and wellbeing.


From the discovery of the Higgs boson, to the observation of gravitational waves or the development of quantum computing, physics is at the heart of some of the greatest discoveries of our age.


Politics is central to our daily lives. Studying it allows you to understand how and why decisions and policies are made, and their impacts on people’s lives.


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. It explains how we think, feel and act, both individually and as part of social groups.

Social work

Social workers improve lives. They support, empower and protect vulnerable people, and promote their human rights.

Sociology, social policy and social sciences

Social and policy sciences help us understand how we’re shaped by the institutions, cultural norms, and political and economic values around us.

Sport, exercise and health

By studying sport, exercise and health, you can explore the impact of physical activity, nutrition and lifestyle on individuals and societies.

Undergraduate courses

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