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University of Bath pay and grading structure

Our pay and grading structure is reviewed annually in August. Employees eligible for consideration of an annual increment will be assessed in April each year.


The 2024-25 pay award has been agreed with UCEA, with increases to take place across two implementation dates.

Point Grade (NPP) Grade (ECP) Annual salary £ Salary (effective 1 Aug 2024) Hourly rate £ (effective 1 Aug 2024) Annual salary £ Salary (effective 1 March 2025) Hourly rate £ (effective 1 March 2025)
52 9 £71,818 £37.84 £72,691 £38.30
51 9 £69,757 £36.75 £70,579 £37.19
50 9 £67,757 £35.70 £68,529 £36.11
49 9 £65,814 £34.68 £66,537 £35.06
48 9 £63,929 £33.68 £64,605 £34.04
47 9 £62,098 £32.72 £62,728 £33.05
46 9 8 £60,321 £31.78 £60,907 £32.09
45 9 8 £58,596 £30.87 £59,139 £31.16
44 9 8 £56,921 £29.99 £57,422 £30.25
43 8 £55,295 £29.13 £55,755 £29.38
42 8 £53,715 £28.30 £54,136 £28.52
41 8 £52,183 £27.49 £52,566 £27.70
40 8 £50,694 £26.71 £51,039 £26.89
39 8 7 £49,250 £25.95 £49,559 £26.11
38 8 7 £47,874 £25.22 £48,149 £25.37
37 8 7 £46,485 £24.49 £46,735 £24.62
36 7 £45,163 £23.80 £45,413 £23.93
35 7 £43,878 £23.12 £44,128 £23.25
34 7 £42,632 £22.46 £42,882 £22.59
33 7 £41,421 £21.82 £41,671 £21.96
32 7 6 £40,247 £21.20 £40,497 £21.34
31 7 6 £39,105 £20.60 £39,355 £20.73
30 7 6 £37,999 £20.02 £38,249 £20.15
29 6 £36,924 £19.45 £37,174 £19.59
28 6 £35,880 £18.90 £36,130 £19.04
27 6 £34,866 £18.37 £35,116 £18.50
26 6 £33,882 £17.85 £34,132 £17.98
25 6 £33,232 £17.51 £33,482 £17.64
24 6 5 £32,296 £17.02 £32,546 £17.15
23 6 5 £31,387 £16.54 £31,637 £16.67
22 6 5 £30,505 £16.07 £30,805 £16.23
21 5 £29,659 £15.63 £29,959 £15.78
20 5 £28,879 £15.22 £29,179 £15.37
19 5 £28,081 £14.80 £28,381 £14.95
18 5 4 £27,344 £14.41 £27,644 £14.56
17 5 4 £26,642 £14.04 £26,942 £14.19
16 5 4 £26,038 £13.72 £26,338 £13.88
15 4 £25,433 £13.40 £25,733 £13.56
14 4 3 £25,148 £13.25 £25,448 £13.41
13 4 3 £24,600 £12.96 £24,900 £13.12
12 4 3 £24,044 £12.67 £24,344 £12.83
11 3 £23,581 £12.42 £23,881 £12.58
10 3 2 £23,114 £12.18 £23,414 £12.34
9 3 2 £22,728 £11.97 £23,028 £12.13
8 2 £22,443 £11.82 £22,743 £11.98

NPP - Normal Progression Point ECP - Exceptional Contribution Point

  • Annual increments will be assessed, and usually implemented, in April each year. They will be applied to staff with minimum 6 months service in their grade, who have not received a warning (that is still live) confirmed in writing under the disciplinary, capability, sickness or other policies, Statutes etc and who are not at the top spine point of their grade or within the ECP (Contribution Points). Progression is by one increment each year until the non-discretionary maximum point is reached.
  • This pay scale is usually reviewed annually in August.
  • The salaries are for a full-time equivalent employee (1898 hours annum), part-time employees will be pro-rated accordingly.
  • Please note that hourly rates are rounded and are provided for information only.
  • A supplement is applied to spine points which fall below the Voluntary Living Wage (VLW) (currently spine points 8 and 9) to bring their pay up to the equivalent of £12 an hour (the current VLW rate).

Please follow the link for information on the Senior Staff pay scale and Professorial Remuneration Procedure.


If you have any questions, please contact us.