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Health and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)

3 years, starting in September 2025

Learn about the physiological, behavioural and policy-based factors that influence people’s health and wellbeing at both individual and population levels.

This course aims to develop your understanding of the impacts of physical activity, diet and other lifestyle behaviours on people’s lives.

You’ll learn about how the human body responds to changes in physical activity and nutrition; how to positively influence people’s desire to live active, healthy lives; and the wider impacts of governmental policies and initiatives on health and wellbeing across populations.

The course’s interdisciplinary approach allows you to focus on three core themes:

  • Exercise Science: this provides you with a fundamental understanding of human function and its role in health and disease
  • Behavioural Science: through this, you’ll explore how we can better understand the psychological basis of human behaviour to promote health and treat and prevent disease
  • Public Health: this gives you the opportunity to investigate how we measure and determine societal priorities and improve health at a population level

Across your studies, you’ll apply your knowledge to contemporary health and exercise challenges. This will help you to understand their relevance in current practice.

Some of the topics you will cover include:

  • exercise prescription
  • health technologies
  • nutrition
  • health inequalities
  • sports medicine
  • research methods
  • epidemiology
  • health and sport psychology

In Year 1, you’ll build on your knowledge of human physiology, biomechanics and psychology, and develop your understanding of the role of health behaviours on public health. You’ll also develop skills in research design and statistics.

In Year 2, you'll gain a more in-depth understanding of exercise, health and nutrition at different stages of life at individual, community and population levels. You’ll explore how we communicate these health messages to different audiences.

In your final year, you’ll carry out a year-long research project and study advanced units in areas such as nutrition, health technologies, sociology and exercise prescription.

This course will prepare you for a range of careers in areas such as public health, health promotion, health policy, healthcare, academic research, community sports, and exercise science.

Use specialist facilities

You'll have access to facilities that support your learning. These contain specialist equipment and the latest technology, including:

  • Applied Biomechanics Suite
  • Applied Physiology Laboratory
  • Biochemistry Laboratory
  • Metabolic Research Laboratory
  • A dedicated movement analysis suite

Develop your professional skills

We work to provide you with the skills and support to prepare you for employment and further study, such as:

  • communication and interview skills
  • CV and cover letter writing
  • networking
  • career planning

Informed teaching to advance your learning

You'll learn from experts in public health, health psychology, sports science, and sports performance. Their passion, knowledge and research shape their teaching to enhance your learning experience.

Staff across our Department for Health have specialisms in areas such as:

  • sport and exercise science
  • nutrition and metabolism
  • sport management, marketing and media
  • coaching and sport performance
  • sport policy and international development
  • health and physical activity
  • research methods

Specialist facilities for your learning and training

Our £35 million Sports Training Village contains some of the UK’s best sport and exercise facilities, accommodating more than 50 sports. We regularly host major international competitions and provide a dedicated sports training space.

You’ll have access to our biomechanics and physiology suites, containing:

  • biochemical analysis equipment
  • blood lactate monitors
  • force platforms
  • gas analysers
  • jump mats
  • motion analysis equipment
  • performance analysis systems

Prepare for your future

Many of our sport, exercise and health graduates have gone on to work in sport science, public health, exercise medicine and rehabilitation, sports management and sports coaching.

Examples of where our recent graduates have gone on to work include:

  • Amazon
  • Bristol City Football Club
  • BUPA
  • Confederation of British Industry
  • EY
  • IntoUniversity
  • Razor Research
  • Southampton City Council
  • Two Circles
Find out what our graduates go on to do

2025/2026 Academic Year

Before you apply for a course, please check the website for the most recently published course detail.

We understand that you will want to know more about the shape of the academic year. We work hard and plan for different scenarios, to be able to welcome you to the University of Bath at the start of each semester.

Course structure

This course lasts 3 years. It starts in September 2025 and ends in 2028. Welcome week starts on 22 September 2025.

Occasionally we make changes to our programmes in response to, for example, feedback from students, developments in research and the field of studies, and the requirements of accrediting bodies. You will be advised of any significant changes to the advertised programme, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.


At Bath, our courses are made up of units of study. Compulsory units cover core concepts that you'll need to understand as part of your degree programme. Some of our courses also offer the opportunity for you to study optional units. These allow you to specialise in particular areas of knowledge that interest you.

As an undergraduate, you will be expected to take 120 credits (60 ECTS credits) in each academic year. Credits are usually split evenly across your two semesters of study. 120 credits (60 ECTS credits) are the equivalent of 1,200 notional hours of study; this includes contact time with staff and your own independent learning.

All credits displayed on this page are ECTS credits.

Year 1

Compulsory units

  • Functional anatomy and biomechanics

    10 credits

  • Human physiology

    10 credits

  • Public and social health

    15 credits

  • Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health

    5 credits

  • Research and study skills for sport, health and exercise scientists

    10 credits

  • Sport and exercise psychology

    10 credits

Year 2

Compulsory units

  • Physical activity and health across the lifespan

    7.5 credits

  • Physiology of exercise, health and nutrition

    7.5 credits

  • Population level public health

    15 credits

  • Psychology and health communication

    15 credits

  • Research skills and statistics for sport, exercise and health scientists

    5 credits

  • Sport and exercise medicine

    10 credits

Year 3

Compulsory units

  • Research project

    25 credits

  • Tackling Interdisciplinary challenges

    5 credits


  • Final Year Options

    30 credits


We also offer this course with a professional placement in Year 3. This allows you to take advantage of our links with a range of organisations in different sectors.

A professional placement is a great way to get insights into the career path you want; contribute to projects and services; have fun, make friends and build your professional network; and even earn some money or experience a new culture.

Find out more about our professional placements

Learning and assessment

You’ll be taught and assessed by a variety of methods and it will vary between units. These methods are designed to promote in-depth learning and understanding of the subject.


  • Laboratory sessions
  • Lectures
  • Practical sessions
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops


  • Coursework
  • Examinations
  • Presentations
  • Report

These lists are to give you an idea of some, but not all, of the learning and assessment methods used on this course. They are not exhaustive lists and methods are subject to change.

Learning and teaching

Contact hours

Timetabled contact hours, which may be made up of laboratory sessions, lectures, practical sessions, seminars, tutorials and workshops, vary throughout your course and between courses but are typically around 10 and 15 hours a week in your first year.

Our teaching for this course is delivered through in-person learning on campus, supported by high quality online provision. The significant majority of contact hours over the duration of your course will be in person, and this will be enhanced by some online delivery which will constitute a smaller proportion of these contact hours, depending on your programme of study, year of study and chosen optional units. This may be supplemented by additional activities such as a small number of online learning sessions (not live), skills development sessions, and personal tutorials.

The amount of timetabled sessions on campus in later years may vary based on the options you choose, with a greater emphasis on independent learning. Project and dissertation units will generally have fewer scheduled sessions to allow you time for your independent work – this may also mean the number of hours of timetabled sessions each week will vary within a year.

Independent learning

In addition to timetabled contact hours, you are expected to undertake independent learning and assessment activities. Typically, this might be around 20 to 30 hours per week in your first year, and include individual research, reading journal articles and books, working on individual and group projects, preparing coursework assignments, presentations, or revising for exams. After your first year, the emphasis on independent learning becomes greater, for example, you may do a final year project in the final year. You’ll be expected to work both on your own and as part of a group.

Assessment breakdown

You will be assessed in a range of methods designed to develop and test your skills and knowledge.

30% to 40% of your course will be assessed through examinations.

60% to 70% will be assessed through coursework, reports, and presentations.

The balance of assessment methods may vary throughout your degree.

The final degree classification is determined by your second and final year marks and each contributes 32% and 68% respectively. 

You will primarily be assessed as an individual, but may also be assessed as part of a group.

We can make reasonable adjustments to assessment procedures for students with disabilities, take a look at our Disability Service’s pages for information. 

Recognition of professional qualifications

As well as being recognised as a higher academic qualification, a number of our degrees are also accredited by professional bodies in the United Kingdom. An accredited degree may entitle you to work in a specific profession within the UK, and abroad (where there are reciprocating arrangements with professional bodies in other countries).

The requirements to practise a profession vary from country to country. If you wish to practise your profession outside the United Kingdom, you are advised to confirm that the UK professional qualification you seek is valid in the country in which you are intending to work.

‘What surprised me about this course was all of the other avenues I could take with health; the combination of this knowledge through improving eating behaviours through nutrition and medicine is so relevant right now in today’s policy environment.’
Jake Harrison BSc Health and Exercise Science (Graduating year, 2020)

Entry requirements

Your application, especially your personal statement, should demonstrate your enthusiasm for studying sport, exercise science or public health. This might include relevant reading or involvement in organising or coaching sport clubs or teams. When describing your experiences you should reflect on what you have learnt from them, how they have influenced your development or how they are relevant to your future studies.

You do not need to have studied a science subject to a high level to be considered for this course, however, we prefer applicants who can demonstrate a solid grounding in science. Examples include studying a science or Mathematics A level, having a strong performance in the science units of a BTEC Extended Diploma or grade B or 6 in two or more science GCSEs.

We know that the context in which you are studying can have an impact on your ability to perform your best in exams and coursework, or limit which subjects or qualifications you are able to study at your school or college. We consider any application based on its merits, including your background and circumstances, including through:

Origin of qualifications

British qualifications

GCSE requirements

  • GCSE Mathematics grade 4 or C
  • GCSE in one of Combined Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics grade 4 or C
  • GCSE English Language or Literature grade 4 or C (or equivalent from English language category C)

Read more about how we consider GCSEs.

A level Typical offer


AAB or A*BB or A*AC in three A levels.

Read more about our approach to A levels and AS levels.

Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

We accept the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales in place of one A level (unless studied alongside A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics alone). Read more about our approach to this qualification.

A level Contextual offer


Contextual offers available on this course vary depending on the A levels you have studied.

If you study at least one of the following science subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology or Statistics:

BBB or ABC in three A levels including one of Biology, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology or Statistics.

If you do not study a relevant science subject:

ABB or AAC or A*BC in three A levels

Our contextual offers were updated in October 2024 for September 2025 entry.

We seek to foster an outstanding and inclusive community at Bath. As part of that, we make reduced contextual offers to applicants from backgrounds who have historically been less likely to join us.

Find out if you may be eligible for a contextual offer.

Contextual offers are automatic - if you receive an offer and meet our eligibility criteria, you will receive the contextual offer instead of our typical or alternative offers.

Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

We accept the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales in place of one A level (unless studied alongside A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics alone). Read more about our approach to this qualification.

A level Alternative offer


We know that you may have study beyond three A levels that will help prepare you for your degree. If you are not eligible for a contextual offer, we recognise these studies through our alternative offers.

ABB or A*BC or AAC in three A levels plus one of:

  • grade A in an EPQ or IEPQ
  • grade B in a Core Mathematics qualification
  • grade B in AS level Mathematics or Statistics (except if you are studying an A level in that subject)
  • grade B in a fourth A level, where your four A levels include A level Mathematics or Statistics
  • an appropriate grade in any other project qualification we recognise

The Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales is not accepted in place of an A level for these offers. If you are studying three A levels and this qualification you are eligible for an alternative offer:

ABBB or A*BBC or AABC in three A levels and the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales

If you receive an offer, you will receive each alternative offer you qualify for alongside the typical offer. You only need to meet one of these sets of conditions to meet your offer overall.

Read more about how our alternative offers work.

International Baccalaureate Typical offer

6, 6, 5 at HL

International Baccalaureate Diploma

36 points overall and 6, 6, 5 in three Higher Level subjects.

Read more about how we consider the IB Diploma.

We consider applicants studying the IBCP on a case-by-case basis based on the individual IB certificates and vocational qualifications you study within the programme. You will need qualifications equal to at least three A levels to be considered.

Read more about how we consider IB Certificates and common vocational qualifications.

International Baccalaureate Certificates

If you are studying IB subjects as part of the IB Diploma, you will usually need to complete the full diploma programme to be considered.

If you do not follow the IB Diploma programme, we can consider stand-alone IB Higher Level Certificates either on their own or combined with other qualifications. You will need qualifications equal to at least three A levels to be considered.

Read more about how we consider IB Certificates.

International Baccalaureate Contextual offer

6, 5, 5 at HL

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Contextual offers available on this course vary depending on the Higher Level subjects you have studied.

If you study at least one of the following science Higher Level subjects: Biology, Chemistry, either HL Mathematics, Physics, Psychology or Sport, Exercise and Health Science:

35 points overall and 5, 5, 5 or 6, 5, 4 in three Higher Level subjects including one of HL Biology, HL Chemistry, HL Physics, HL Psychology, HL Sport, Exercise and Health Science or either HL Mathematics.

If you do not study a relevant science subject at Higher Level:

35 points overall and 6, 5, 5 in three Higher Level subjects.

Our contextual offers were updated in October 2024 for September 2025 entry.

We seek to foster an outstanding and inclusive community at Bath. As part of that, we make reduced contextual offers to applicants from backgrounds who have historically been less likely to join us.

Find out if you may be eligible for a contextual offer.

Contextual offers are automatic - if you receive an offer and meet our eligibility criteria, you will receive the contextual offer instead of our typical or alternative offers.

Pearson Edexcel BTEC RQF Typical offer


BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (RQF)

DDD in the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (RQF).

We prefer the above qualifications to be in a relevant subject area and are unable to consider qualifications in Public Services, Uniformed Protective Services, Travel and Tourism and other less relevant disciplines. You must have at least 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or C including English, Mathematics and a science subject.

Read more about our approach to Extended Diplomas.

BTEC Diplomas and Extended Certificates

We accept Level 3 Diplomas and Extended Certificates alongside A levels or in combination with each other. You will need qualifications equal to at least three A levels to be considered.

Read more about how we consider BTEC Diplomas and Extended Certificates.

OCR Cambridge Technical Typical offer


Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma

D*DD in the Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Diploma.

We prefer the above qualifications to be in a relevant subject area. You must have at least 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or C including English, Mathematics and a science subject.

Read more about our approach to Extended Diplomas.

Cambridge Technical Diplomas and Extended Certificates

We accept Level 3 Diplomas and Extended Certificates alongside A levels or in combination with each other. You will need qualifications equal to at least three A levels to be considered.

Read more about how we consider OCR Cambridge Technical Diplomas and Extended Certificates.

T level Typical offer

T levels are not considered suitable preparation for this degree programme and are therefore not accepted for entry. If you require advice on how you may academically prepare to study this degree or present with a mix of qualifications, you should contact our Admissions Progression Team at

Scottish Highers Typical offer

AB in Advanced Highers

AB in two Advanced Highers.

We make offers based on Advanced Highers. You will typically be expected to have completed five Scottish Highers and your grades in these will be considered as part of your application. We prefer applicants who have achieved at least AAABB in their Highers.

Read more about how we consider Scottish Highers and Advanced Highers

Access to HE Diploma Typical offer

33 credits at Distinction

A pass in the Access to HE Diploma with at least 33 credits achieved at Distinction and 6 credits achieved at Merit or above.

Combinations of qualifications Typical offer

We accept a range of other qualifications offered in UK, as well as combinations of typically studied qualifications (such as A levels and BTECs). You will need qualifications equal to at least three A levels to be considered.

Read more about how we consider UK qualifications.

You can contact us at for more advice.

NCFE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity Typical offer

Unfortunately the NCFE Extended Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity is not considered suitable preparation for this degree and is therefore not accepted for entry.

English language requirements

Category C

If you do not meet our English GCSE requirements, you will need a suitable English language qualification. Examples include:

  • IELTS: 6.5 overall with no less than 6.0 in all components
  • IELTS Indicator: 6.5 with 6.0 in each component
  • TOEFL IBT: 90 overall with a minimum 21 in all 4 components
  • TOEFL IBT and IBT Special Home Edition: 90 overall with 21 in each component
  • The Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic): 62 with no less than 59 in any element
  • The Pearson Test of English Academic Online (PTE Academic Online): we do not accept this qualification
  • Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE): 180 with no less than 169 in all elements
  • Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE): 180 with no less than 169 in all elements
  • Duolingo (taken up to 1 July 2024): 120 overall with sub scores of Literacy 120, Comprehension 130, Conversation 115, Production 100
  • Duolingo (taken after 1 July 2024): 120 overall with sub scores of Literacy 120, Comprehension 120, Conversation 120, Production 120
  • LanguageCert SELT: B2 Communicator High Pass in both the Speaking test and the Listening, Reading, and Writing test

See the full list of accepted English qualifications.

Fees and funding

Fees and funding information for Health and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)


Your tuition fees and how you pay them will depend on whether you are a Home or Overseas student.

Learn how we decide fee status

Tuition fees

Fee information is not yet available for this course. Tuition fees are liable to increase annually for all University of Bath students.

Find out more about student fees

How to pay

Tuition fee loans

If you are studying an undergraduate course, you may be able to take out a loan for your tuition fees and living costs.

Read more about tuition fee loans

Scholarships and bursaries

You could be considered for a bursary or scholarship to help you study at Bath. This is in addition to your student loan and you do not have to pay it back.

Read more about bursaries and scholarships

Other payment options

You can pay your tuition fees by Direct Debit, debit card, credit card or bank transfer. You may also be eligible for a student loan to help you pay your fees.

Read more about your payment options


You will need to budget at least £100 for the cost of photocopying, printing and binding. You will also need to budget for the cost of textbooks.

Some courses involve visits away from campus and you may be required to pay some or all of the costs of travel, accommodation and food and drink.

If you’re on a placement, you’re responsible for your own travel, accommodation and living costs. You should also consider the financial implications if you go on an unpaid or overseas placement. If you are thinking about studying or working abroad as part of your course, you may have to prove that you have a certain amount of money in your bank account to get a visa.

Please read the information about planning your finances for your placement year which includes potential sources of funding, travel insurance, and visas.

Application information

  • Course title
    Health and Exercise Science
  • Final award
    BSc (Hons)
  • Mode of study
  • Course code
  • Institution code
  • Department
  • Location
    University of Bath
    Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY
  • Home application deadline
    29 January 2025
  • Overseas application deadline
    29 January 2025
  • Application eligibility
    Home and Overseas students are eligible to apply
  • Regulator

Selection process

We will usually assess you based on your UCAS application. Very exceptionally we may invite you to an interview if you have circumstances we cannot assess from an application alone.

Our interview page gives more information on what you should expect from an interview.

Course enquiries

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