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Centre for Research in Education in China and East Asia launch event

Join us for this launch event that will open Asian-European dialogues around knowledge exchange, cross-cultural educational trends and methodologies.

  • 26 Mar 2019, 12.30pm to 5.00pm GMT
  • 4 West, 1.2, University of Bath
  • This event is free
The Hong Kong skyline
This event will formally launch the Centre for Research in Education in China and East Asia

This half day event is organised in collaboration with Lingnan University, Hong Kong, a key partner of the new centre, with joint keynotes and papers between Bath and key Chinese and East Asian academics.

The theme of the launch event is Asian-European Dialogues.


Time Event Speaker
12.30 to 1pm Lunch
1pm Welcome and introduction Professor Catherine Montgomery, Professor Andrea Abbas and Professor Xiao Lan Curdt Christansen
1.15pm Words of introduction Professor Leonard Cheng, President of Lingnan University
1.30pm Dialogue 1: Mobility and immobility Student mobility between Chinese elite universities and western elite universities Professor Wenqin Shen, Dr Liping Li and Professor Catherine Montgomery
2pm Dialogue 2: The role of the State How China has developed as a major destination for overseas students: A state-steering model? Dr Jack Chan and Professor Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen
2.30pm Discussion and questions
2.45 to 3pm Coffee break
3pm Dialogue 3: Knowledge transfer Changing university-industry-government networks in knowledge transfer: A comparative analysis of Shenzhen and Hong Kong Ms Yuyang Kang, Dr Jin Jiang and Professor Andrea Abbas
3.30pm Dialogue 4: Higher education and innovation Who’s making ‘Made in China 2025’? Self-replicating national patterns of educational backgrounds and innovation policy variation Dr Robyn Klingler-Vidra and Professor Wenwen
4pm Dialogue 5: Globalisation and the future Contesting globalisation and implications for higher education in the Asia-Pacific region: Challenges and Prospects Professor Ka Ho Mok and Professor Hugh Lauder
4.30pm Panel discussion and closing remarks
5pm Drinks reception and publications in focus with book launches of Shadows of Empire: the Anglosphere in British Politics and Education in China: Philosophy, Politics and China Professor Nick Pearce, Institute for Policy Research and Dr Janette Ryan

There will be opportunities for discussion and questions throughout the afternoon. The atmosphere will be dialogic and informal.

You can also download a copy of the programme.

Speaker profile

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