There is widespread recognition of the importance of ensuring that health services research makes a difference to the care of patients and delivery of services. This is expected by research funders and by wider society. This year’s conference will promote discussion and debate as to how researchers can ensure they achieve such impact.
Following the success of the online conference in 2021 and in response to delegates’ feedback, we will also hold the 2022 conference online. This will ensure the event is accessible to delegates of all career stages, sectors and from around the world. As well as providing online talks, discussions and posters, the conference will also provide online networking opportunities. The organisation of the conference will be supported by Northern Networking Events to ensure a high quality experience for all delegates and speakers.
Please use the links above to find out more about our conference programme, keynote speakers. The final conference abstracts can be read in the International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (no subscription required) and the conference posters can be viewed here.
The conference chairs are Dr Jenny Scott and Dr Matthew Jones, with support from Pharmacy Research UK.