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Ignite+ Bitesize: Intellectual Property and commercialisation

Join the Tech transfer team to learn more about Intellectual Property (IP) and commercialisation, the process and things to look out for.

  • 12 Nov 2024, 12.30pm to 12.50pm GMT
  • This is an online event.
  • This event is free
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Ignite Plus Bitesize is a series of 20-minute presentations

Ignite Plus Bitesize is a series of 20-minute presentations delivered through Microsoft Teams, and designed to be accessible to academics across campus. The presentations will provide information about or linked to Knowledge Exchange activities and introductions to the respective delivery teams. The sessions are designed to provide a summary, raise the visibility of the service and signpost where to discover more.

Delivered by Technology Transfer, this session will provide information on considerations to intellectual property; what IP is, why it might be useful, the process and things to look out for.

Ignite Plus Bitesize: IP and Commercialisation

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