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Language Café (April 2025)

Whatever your language and level, everyone is welcome at the Language Café!

  • 1 Apr 2025, 1.00pm to 2.00pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • Polden, Bath, United Kingdom
  • This event is free
A group of students with a staff facilitator practising a foreign language at the Language Cafe.
Everyone is welcome at the Language Café

Volunteers who are native or fluent speakers of various languages run the Language Café. Come along, develop your skills and meet new people in a relaxed environment.

Every language has its own conversation group and where possible, we divide groups by language level, from beginner to advanced. Conversation groups are small so that everyone gets a chance to speak.

All members of the University community - students, staff and alumni - are very welcome to attend but you do need to book your place in advance.

Language Café April 2025

Book your place


Each event takes place from 1.00pm to 2.00pm in Polden Cafe. Advance booking is required by clicking on the link above and we ask you to complete a short form to tell us which language you wish to practise.

Polden University of Bath, Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

The Language Café is a joint initiative by the Skills Centre, the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies, and the Students' Union (SU).