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Macroeconomics Network in the South West Second Workshop

Join us at the Macroeconomics Network in the South West Second Workshop where we will further discuss our advanced research in macroeconomics and finance.

  • 24 Sep 2021, 10.30am to 5.30pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • Room 2.101, 1 West, University of Bath
  • This event is free

The second workshop of the Macroeconomics Network in the South West will focus on a variety of topics on the field of finance and macroeconomics. These include:

  • financial stability issues within the eurozone
  • occupational exposure to capital embodied technical change
  • policies for early childhood skills formation
  • wealth inequality and liquidity
  • theoretical aspects of dynamic macroeconomics

Workshop programme

Time Activity Speaker
10.30am Coffee and Registration
11.00am Opening Remarks
11.10am Contributed Session #1
The eurozone: what is to be done? Zhirong Ou, Cardiff University
Financial innovation, Macro-prudential policies and Leverage cycles Lingsi Wei, University of Bath
12.40pm Lunch
2.00pm Contributed Session #2
Provider-driven complementarity and firm dynamics Sergio Alejandro Feijoo Moreira, University of Bristol
Occupational exposure to capital embodied technical change Elisa Keller, University of Exeter
3.30pm Coffee Break
4.00pm Contributed Session #3
Policies for early childhood skills formation: accounting for parental choices and noncognitive skills Iacopo Morchio, University of Bristol
Dynamic perturbation Alessandro Mennuni, University of Southampton
6.15pm Workshop dinner


This workshop is sponsored by the Money Macro & Finance Society (MMF).


This workshop is expected to take place at the University of Bath campus. However, if circumstances change and a need arises for the event to be held online instead, this page will be updated and all signed-up attendees will be notified.

Room 2.101 1 West University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

To enquire about attending the workshop, or for further information, please contact Nikos Kokonas.