A roundtable organised by The Police Foundation and the Institute for Policy Research (IPR):
Policing and Public Health: What does a public health approach to community safety look like and how can we make it happen?
In the aftermath of the recent increase in serious violence a consensus has emerged around the need to take a public health approach to tackling the causes of violent crime. This roundtable will seek to take that discussion a stage further by discussing what a public health approach to improving community safety and reducing crime looks like and identifying the practical steps that are required to make it happen.
The roundtable will hear from operational police leaders, public health specialists, academics and government officials all seeking to develop a more preventative approach to crime and community safety. We will discuss the roles of governance, data, resources, service delivery and community engagement in achieving this.
The roundtable will discuss the following key questions:
- What are the key ingredients of a public health approach in the context of crime and community safety?
- What can we learn from emerging practice about the conditions for success?
- What does the public health lens add to existing crime prevention work undertaken by the police and partners?
- What could the government do in the forthcoming spending review to help embed a public health approach?
Speaker profiles
Superintendent Stan Gilmour is an IPR Visiting Policy Fellow and Area Commander for Reading and Thames Valley Police Lead for Serious Violence and Problem Solving.
Éamonn O’Moore is the Director of the National Lead Health and Justice Team for Public Health England.
Lib Peck is Director of the London Violence Reduction Unit.
Andreea Anastasiu is a Senior Policy Engagement Officer in the Government Outcomes Lab at the Blavatnik School for Government, University of Oxford.