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QRS 2025: Transparency, Openness and Rigour in Qualitative Research

Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS).

  • 28 Jan 2025, 9.00am to 29 Jan 2025, 5.00pm GMT
  • 10 East, University of Bath
  • Price from £40.00 to £75.00 (GBP)
Delegates in a seminar room in the School of Management
The Centre for Qualitative Research (CQR) at the University of Bath is pleased to invite submissions around the conference theme.

Read the full call for papers

How we do research is changing dramatically. Policies to promote ‘openness’ and ‘transparency’ are becoming commonplace among journals, institutions and funders (UNESCO, 2021). These ‘open research practices’ involve making data publicly available, sharing research materials, and pre-registering analysis plans (UKRI, 2025).

It is vital that qualitative researchers from all research areas play an active role in the discussion around transparency, openness and rigour. Our deep engagement with conversations of reflexivity, positionality, community engagement, ethics, participatory approaches and impact can provide important insights for developing a more transparent research culture.

Whether you are new to these ideas, or a seasoned open qualitative researcher, this symposium will provide both an introduction and a means to develop our collective voice, and determine how openness and transparency are best applied in qualitative research contexts.

While qualitative voices are becoming louder in this conversation, we still have opportunities to develop this conversation further across disciplines, and ensure our voices are heard.


We encourage you to reflect on and consider your past, current, or future work in relation to the overarching theme of transparency, openness, and rigour.

Contributions across all academic disciplines are welcome, as are theoretically inspired, methodologically oriented, and empirically grounded inquiries that link to these overlapping themes:

Theme 1: Exploring how openness and transparency can contribute to qualitative scholarship

  • Exploring how specific ‘open research practices’ (e.g. open data, materials or public engagement) might impact qualitative research and rigour
  • Understanding what openness and transparency mean to qualitative scholars
  • Discussing opportunities and challenges around transparency in qualitative research

Theme 2: Asking critical questions about qualitative openness and transparency

  • Interrogating the aims of open research policies.
  • Considering the ethics of openness in qualitative research
  • Exploring ownership in qualitative research – who ‘owns’ this data anyway?
  • Critiquing journal or institutional policies on open qualitative research

Theme 3: Using empirical examples to explore how openness and transparency impacts qualitative rigour in a variety of contexts

  • Sharing a case study exploring how you navigated openness in your qualitative research projects
  • Discussing a problem you encountered with open research practices (and how you resolved it)
  • Sharing how you engaged participants or students with open qualitative research


Access the full schedule and abstracts for QRS 2025.

Tuesday 28 January

Time Activity Location
9 - 10.30am Registration, coffee and networking 10E Reception and 10E Pavilion
10.30 - 11am QRS welcome 10E 0.17
11.15am - 12.15pm Sessions 1A, 1B and 1C 10E 0.17 (1A), 10E 0.13 (1B), 10E 0.18 (1C)
12.20 - 1pm Sessions 2A, 2B and 2C 10E 0.17 (2A), 10E 0.13 (2B), 10E 0.18 (2C)
1 - 2pm Lunch 10E Pavilion
2 - 3.15pm Keynote 1 10E 0.17
3.30 - 4.30pm Sessions 3A, 3B and 3C 10E 0.17 (3A), 10E 0.13 (3B), 10E 0.18 (3C)
4.30 - 4.45pm Coffee break 10E Pavilion
4.45 - 6pm QRS clinics and Qualitative Research and Artificial Intelligence Workshop 10E 0.13 (clinics), 10E0.18 (workshop)
7pm Gala dinner at The Architect The Architect, The Empire, Orange Grove, Bath BA1 1LP

Wednesday 29 January

Time Activity Location
8.30 - 9.30am Registration, coffee and networking 10E Reception and 10E Pavilion
9.30 - 10.45am Sessions 4A, 4B and 4C 10E 0.17 (4A), 10E 0.13 (4B), 10E 0.18 (4C)
10.45 - 11am Coffee break 10E Pavilion
11am - 12.15pm Keynote 2 10E 0.17
12.20 - 1pm Sessions 5A and 5B 10E 0.13 (5A), 10E 0.18 (5B)
1 - 2pm Lunch 10E Pavilion
2 - 3.15pm Sessions 6A and 6B 10E 0.17 (6A), 10E 0.13 (6B)
3.20 - 3.45pm Closing plenary 10E 0.17

Submission formats

Traditional talk

15-minute talk followed by five minutes for questions


Symposia should consist of three to four presentations (each lasting no more than 15 to 20 minutes) aligned under a common theme. Each symposium should also include a Q&A or discussion at the end. Proposals should indicate who will be chairing the session.

Lightning presentations

Lightning presentations will last no more than five minutes and will be grouped with other submissions of a common theme. They are an opportunity to showcase new research, methods or perspectives. Each lightning presentation will be followed by a five-minute Q&A

Key dates

Submission deadline: Friday 6 December 2024

Single presenter submission (15-minute or five-minute talk)

  • Paper title
  • Presentation format (15-minute traditional talk or five-minute lightning talk)
  • Author(s) and affiliated university or employer, and contact information
  • Symposium theme(s) to which paper relates
  • Abstract of no more than 250 words

Multiple presenter submission (symposium)

  • Symposium title
  • Symposium Chair and Discussant information
  • Author(s) and affiliated university or employer, and contact information
  • Symposium theme(s) to which paper relates
  • Symposium abstract of no more than 250 words
  • Talk titles, author and abstracts (three to four) of no more than 250 words

Author notification: Thursday 12 December 2024 Authors will be notified by email whether or not their papers have been accepted for inclusion in QRS 2025.

Conference information

QRS 2025 welcomes anyone interested in qualitative research and scholarship. It is a friendly environment for qualitative experts, novices and everyone in-between with an enthusiasm for qualitative research methods.

We aim to present the cutting-edge of qualitative methods, alongside friendly workshops run by our centre affiliates.

The conference will be held in-person only. Register your place now.

Indicative rates (subject to change) are as follows and will include coffee, tea, pastries and two catered lunches:

  • one-day rate: £40.00
  • two-day rate: £65.00 - £75.00 (including concession rates for University of Bath staff, PhD students and low-income scholars)


Meet our keynotes

Register for the conference


This event will be held in the School of Management.

10 East University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

We welcome queries about the event, abstract submission process, or suggestions for papers not directly addressed by the symposium themes.