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South West Pharmacy Research Network Innovation Day 2024

This event will include networking, panel discussions and workshops to inspire and support pharmacy professionals to get more involved in research.

  • 10 Oct 2024, 10.00am to 10 Oct 2024, 4.00pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • Rolle Building, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom
  • This event is free

Following the success of our first ever in person event in 2023, the South West Pharmacy Research Network will be holding our second annual Innovation Day in 2024. We are arranging an exciting programme to:

  • enable delegates from different organisations to get to know each other and how they might collaborate on future projects
  • inspire delegates to get more involved in research
  • increase delegates’ research knowledge and skills

Please read the information below to find out more and then register via the link at the bottom of this page.


About 40 people listening to a presentation in a room with yellow walls.
The initial ‘Research Journeys’ session at the 2023 Innovation Day

The draft outline programme for the Innovation Day is shown below and the full programme and poster abstracts can be found by following this link.

Time Session
09:30 Registration, refreshments, networking and posters
10:00 Welcome
10:05 The big picture: what's happening nationally and what can we learn from other regions and professions?
Professor Ruth Endacott - NIHR Director of Nursing and Midwifery, whose role includes supporting pharmacists with the NIHR research agenda.
Dr Nazish Khan - Consultant Pharmacist Cardiovascular Diseases & Cardiovascular Clinical Research (University Hospitals Birmingham); Cardiovascular Disease Clinical & Programme Lead (Health Innovation West Midlands)
11:15 Refreshments, networking and posters
11:45 Parallel session 1: How to write conference abstracts and posters about small scale projects (e.g. QI, audit)
OR Parallel session 2: Path to research: how to integrate research into your pharmacy career (we are grateful to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society research team for running this session)
12:45 Lunch (provided), networking and posters
13:15 Poster talks - 3 minute presentations in front of each poster
14:00 Clinical Research Networks: Training, opportunities to support their studies and pathways to being a principal investigator (Helen Chenoweth, NIHR Clinical Research Network South West Peninsula)
14:30 Small project presentations: three delegates present their recent QI, service evaluation or audit project
15:10 Refreshments, networking and posters
15:40 Summary of parallel sessions, prize presentation and next steps
16:00 End of day
16:15 Optional: tour of the new University of Bath School of Pharmacy based at University of Plymouth

Posters and prizes

We encourage everyone attending the event to share one or more posters. Posters can be on anything related to research, audit, service evaluation or quality improvement - even an idea for a future project - there are no specific requirements.

To present a poster, please submit an abstract using this form by 15th September 2024, so that delegates can read them in advance (we will share them on our website). During the abstract submission process, you will be able to ask the Innovation Day organising group for feedback on how it could be improved for a future conference.

This year, we will display printed posters (no larger than A0 portrait format) on boards. Please bring your printed poster to the event and display it at the start of the day. We will ask all poster presenters to do a 3 minute talk in front of their posters in a session starting 13:15. Other delegates will be able to listen to these talks if they wish, or continue networking.

Please do consider submitting a poster, whether you have final results to share, early results for a project that's underway, an idea for a new project or a request for collaborators. Not only will this enhance your CV, it will also improve the networking and interactivity of the day.


There will also be four poster prizes, which will be awarded at the end of the day:

  • best poster from an early career researcher (lead author does not have a PhD)
  • best poster from a more experienced researcher (lead author has a PhD)
  • most visually attractive poster
  • delegates' choice

Help and advice

This 21 minute YouTube video gives excellent, evidence-based advice on how to design a poster that will attract attention and communicate your key messages – the results are different to most posters you may have seen before.

Financial support

The South West Pharmacy Research Network are very grateful to the following funders, without whom this event would not be possible.

Book your place by September 26th 2024

Register now


This event will be held on the top floor of the Rolle Building at the University of Plymouth.

Rolle Building, University of Plymouth Drake Circus Plymouth PL4 6EQ United Kingdom

Contact us

If you have any questions, please get in touch.