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University of Bath Research Culture Consultation Event

Help shape an ambitious five-year strategy to continually improve Research Culture at the University of Bath.

  • 29 Feb 2024, 11.30am to 29 Feb 2024, 2.00pm GMT
  • Claverton Rooms, University of Bath
  • This event is free

The culture in which we conduct research not only affects our career experiences, but also the nature and quality of research outcomes. We have made significant progress in developing a positive research culture (see our blog) but remain committed to continual improvement across our six research culture pillars.

With your help, we now need to set out specific aims, objectives and indictors of success for research culture by asking.

  • what should we be aiming for?
  • what could help us meet this aim?
  • how would we know if we got there?
  • what would indicate progress?

We need you

To ensure we focus on the things that matter, we need the thoughts of everyone involved in research at Bath (academic, research, technical and professional services staff and doctoral students).

In this two-hour event, participants will have the opportunity to help shape two of the six pillars of our research strategy:

  • Career development
  • Research Recognition
  • Collegiality
  • Open Research
  • Research Ethics and Integrity
  • Research Design

What will happen?

The outcomes of the workshop will directly influence our strategy and shape the focus of a c.£320k programme of research culture focused activity in 2024/25.

Register a place



Taking place on campus.

Claverton Rooms University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

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