Setting up and managing official University social media accounts
The process for staff to request, register and manage a social media account to promote the University and its activities.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
The process for staff to request, register and manage a social media account to promote the University and its activities.
The University of Bath's Virtual Private Network (VPN) lets you connect your personal device to IT services at the University.
Find out what services the University offers and install free University software.
Learn about the IT services available to you and how to access them on and off-campus.
Overview of the eligibility requirements, application process and how the Staff Immigration Team can help.
If you are a student who has been affected by sexual assault, sexual harassment or rape we can advise you on how to get help and support.
Where you can get help with sexual health issues.
An 11 week course for Visiting and Exchange students, studying Shakespeare's works in depth
Find out how to apply for funding to cover registration and travel costs to attend conferences and events that support best practice in teaching and learning.
Learn about and submit your households Shared Living Agreement, helping you get the most out of living together in your accommodation.