Global research funding
How to identify and develop strong research proposals for global research funding in Low and Middle income countries.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
How to identify and develop strong research proposals for global research funding in Low and Middle income countries.
We are helping Bath researchers to develop international networks and engage with the Horizon 2020 programme.
Our services for helping you develop proposals, run projects and disseminate your findings.
If you're a new member of academic staff at the University, find our how Research and Innovation Services (RIS) can support you during your time at Bath.
The University gained the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission in September 2011, and has retained the award since then.
Projects which have been funded through the University's Impact Acceleration Account (IAA), to develop impact from EPSRC funded research.
Projects funded from 2022-25 by the University's EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) to develop impact from research in engineering and physical sciences.
The University's Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs) provide opportunities to develop the impact of your research.
Applications for the University of Bath Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellowship scheme for 2025 are now open.
Watch our series of films from our Associate PVC (Research) and Directors of KE on how Knowledge Exchange can lead to Research Impact.