Updating the staff or student landing pages in Typecase
How to update the staff and student landing pages on the University website. Part of the Typecase manual.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
How to update the staff and student landing pages on the University website. Part of the Typecase manual.
How to make changes in the External homepage on the University website. Part of the Typecase manual.
Guidance on how to update your ESS record and why we require certain information from you.
How to update your Pure profile to be displayed on the research portal, including adding research interests and adding a photo.
How to upload probation forms to MSS.
Find out which video platforms to use and how to upload and embed your videos.
The domains we use, how we format our URLs and how you can request an alternative URL for your content.
How we inform the US Department of Education and loan servicers of your student enrolment status.
Information on how to apply for Veteran's Aid education benefits for ex military service US nationals
Some helpful information if you are joining Campus Services as an hourly paid worker this summer.