Become a Hall Representative
Hall Representatives are supported by the Students’ Union to deliver a variety of community-building events.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
Hall Representatives are supported by the Students’ Union to deliver a variety of community-building events.
Find out about the educational steps you'll take to become an architect and how the course at Bath varies from other institutions.
Beginning at Bath is a free event for students who identify as Autistic.
How to join or opt-out of the Avon Pension Fund if you're a member of staff in grades 2 to 5 who joined the University before 1st June 2021.
Find out how to join and opt-out of the People's Pension if you are an hourly-paid worker or external examiner.
How to join the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), transfer a previous pension to USS Retirement Builder, or opt-out of the pension scheme.
How to join the University of Bath Group Pension Plan (UoBGPP) if you're a member of staff in grades 2 to 5 who joined the University on or after 1st June 2021.
A range of wellbeing support is available to students affected by bereavement, whether recently while at university or several years ago.
Guidance for students and staff carrying out surveys. Find advice about survey design, promotion and follow up in order to achieve a high response rate.
Most private accommodation will not include bills and utilities in the rent. Here's our guide to help you set them up and avoid unwanted costs.