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Apply for a Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) Student Grant

CLT funding is available to engage students in research, and encourage and support creativity and innovation.

Funding opportunities for students

The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) is delighted to launch the following funding scheme: Students as Producers Grant. This schemes aim to engage students in research. This scheme have been made possibly thanks to the generosity of the Alumni Fund at the University of Bath.

Students as Producers Fund

Students as Producers funding enables undergraduate and postgraduate students to present and publish research outputs they have either created individually or have been generated by collaborating with academic or professional services staff.

Students as Producer grants will support students with the costs of attending conferences and enable them to make genuine contributions to their discipline and to related bodies of knowledge.

The maximum award per student application is £500.

To meet the eligibility criteria, student will need to:

  • be undertaking or recently in completion of a taught undergraduate or postgraduate award (no more than two calendar months since graduation);

  • be able to demonstrate the support of academic staff in the form of their supervisor, assessor or – in the case of co-created projects – their academic collaborator;

  • be able to demonstrate how the conference, event or opportunity enables the student to make a contribution to knowledge;

  • provide evidence of acceptance at the conference or event in question, or clear understanding of the process of application.

Students interested in applying for a Students as Producers grant will, in the first instance, secure the support of their academic contact (as above). Applications will then be submitted by the student to the Centre for Learning & Teaching, who will manage the assessment and allocation of awards.

Grants may be made in advance of the student receiving confirmation of their place at a conference or event, but if the student is unsuccessful in their submission then the grant will be withdrawn.

As part of successful funding we would like recipients to produce a short report/summary of their work as a case study to showcase their activity.

Funding for AY2324 has come to an end, please look back in October 2024 for AY2425 funding


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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