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Bursaries and Funding

Information to apply for bursaries and funding as a Care Leaver, Care Experienced, Estranged Student, Refugee or Asylum Seeker or Young Adult Carer.

The University of Bath offers bursaries and funding to support our students, each has their own set of criteria and application process. This page will outline these steps and where you can seek support with an application.

The University offers a Care Leaver, Estranged or Refugee Bursary to eligible undergraduate students a non-repayable bursary of £1,000 per academic year plus £1,000 to help with start-up costs and a further £1,000 on graduation – a maximum of £7,000 over a 5-year programme including a year on placement.

The Young Adult Carer bursary offers eligible undergraduate students a non-repayable bursary of £500 per year of academic study.

Book an appointment

If you are a current student or an applicant thinking of applying to the University of Bath and would like a pre-entry appointment you can book an appointment with us by:

Process to apply for the undergraduate Care Leaver / Estranged Bursary

  1. Complete the Student Support Bursary Application. Please note you will only be able to complete the bursary application form once you have your University of Bath email address.
  2. Collate evidence. The evidence can be a signed letter/document on headed paper from a 3rd party to verify your eligibility for the relevant bursary. This will be dated within the last 12 months. This evidence could be from:
    • Social Worker
    • Leaving Care team at Local Authority.
    • Former teacher or school/college adviser
    • GP/health practitioner
    • Support organisation or charity.
  3. As an applicant send the evidence with your Applicant ID number to: As a registered UoB student send the evidence with your Student ID number to:
  4. Check you are eligible by reading the terms and conditions here: Care Leaver/Foyer and Estranged Student.

If eligible, the bursary will be paid following a 1:1 meeting with the Student Retention & Success Team. It is compulsory to meet with a member of the Student Retention & Success Team each Semester, every year including a placement year, if you are awarded a bursary.

If you are not sure if you meet the criteria for these bursaries please contact us via so we can discuss your situation.

Process to apply for the Refugee Undergraduate Student Bursary

  1. Once you have been offered a ‘Firm’ or ‘Insurance’ offer on an Undergraduate course at the University of Bath, complete the bursary webtask on Bath Application Tracker declaring your Refugee status and uploading evidence.
    The evidence can be:
    • Home Office / UK Government Letter confirming your Refugee or Humanitarian Protection (HP) Status
    • Copy of Passport confirming your Refugee or HP status
    • Biometric ID Card confirming your Refugee or HP status
  2. Complete the Student Support online bursary application form. Please note you will only be able to complete the bursary application form once you have your University of Bath email address.
  3. Any questions regarding the admissions process or your fee status contact:
  4. Any questions regarding completing the bursary webtask on Bath Application Tracker contact:
  5. Check your Household Income is £42,875 or below with your Student funding body and you have consented to share this information with your chosen University. Find out more about applying for household income assessments.
  6. If you do not wish to take out a student loan but need a household income assessment to be considered for the Refugee Bursary review the household income assessments.
  7. Check you are eligible as those with Refugee or Humanitarian Protection status:
    • must be ordinarily resident in England on the first day of the first academic year of your course;
    • and must have been recognised as a refugee or granted HP by the UK Government, or be the spouse/civil partner/child of a person with that status, and have remained ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands since then. Check the Terms and Conditions.

If eligible, the bursary will be paid following a 1:1 meeting with the Student Retention & Success Team. It is compulsory to meet with a member of the Team each semester, every year including a placement year, if you are awarded a bursary.

Process to apply for the Young Adult Carer Bursary

  1. Complete the Student Support Bursary Application. Please note you will only be able to complete the bursary application form once you have your University of Bath email address.
  2. Collate evidence. The evidence can be a signed letter/document on headed paper from a professional person (e.g. teacher, GP, social services, local authority) to verify your eligibility for the relevant bursary. This will be dated within the last 12 months. We will also accept the following evidence:
    • Letter or medical report from a health professional such as a GP, detailing the medical condition of the person you care for.
    • A copy of your latest Carer’s Award letter if you receive Carer’s Allowance
    • or a copy of an award letter showing that the person you care for is in receipt of one of the following: Attendance Allowance, Council Tax Reduction or Housing Benefit that includes a disability premium as part of the assessment, Disability Living Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or a Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
  3. Check your Household Income is £60,000 as assessed by the Student Loans Company and you have consented to share this information with your chosen University. Find out more about applying for a Household Income Assessment.
  4. As an applicant send the evidence with your Applicant ID number to: As a registered UoB student send the evidence with your Student ID number to:
  5. Check you are eligible by reading the Young Adult Carers Terms and Conditions.

If eligible, the bursary will be paid following a 1:1 meeting with the Student Retention & Success Team. It is compulsory to meet with a member of the team each semester, every year including a placement year, if you are awarded a bursary.

Government funding and tuition fee status

If you have Refugee status, you are classed as having independent status and will be able to claim the maximum funding from Student Finance.

If you have been financially self-supporting for three years prior to the start of the course and can evidence this, you will also be classed as having independent status and be able to claim the maximum funding from Student Finance. Independent status also applies to students with care experience, and/or without support from parents (Estranged). If you think this applies to you, please arrange to meet a member of Student Money Advice for further support and advice.

Find out more about government funding from:

Refugee Status
If you hold UK refugee or Humanitarian Protection (HP) status the University will charge the Home level of tuition fees instead of the Overseas fee level. Click for further information on Understanding your tuition fee status.

Asylum Seeker Status
If you hold UK asylum seeker status the University will charge the Home level of tuition fees instead of the Overseas fee level. If you are seeking asylum, you cannot access student finance. See UCAS for further information.

Students without Refugee/HP status
You may be eligible for government funding without Refugee/HP status, for example via Long Residence criteria. We recommend checking your eligibility for government funding via the UKCISA. If you are not eligible for government funding, then you will need to investigate other options such as scholarships. Student Action for Refugees STAR is a good starting point.

University scholarships, bursaries and other funding

You may be entitled to additional funding as part of the Undergraduate Scholarships Bursaries and other Funding Packages, which includes:

If you miss the Bath Bursary deadline you may be able to apply for the Discretionary Student Support Fund (DSSF). Contact the Student Money Advice Team to enquire about DSSF.

You need to request a household income assessment to be completed by your student loans awarding agency, even if you are not planning on taking out a maintenance loan.


To review the total amount of scholarships available at the University of Bath, visit the Students Budgeting Tool.

If you encounter financial difficulties whilst at University you can also apply to the University of Bath Financial Support Fund.

Undergraduate Sanctuary Scholarship – asylum seeker

If you are an asylum seeker living in the UK, applying for an undergraduate degree you may be eligible for the Undergraduate Sanctuary Scholarship to cover your tuition fees and a bursary of up to £5000 per year. Priority will be given to applicants who already live within an hour commuting distance from the University of Bath campus.

One Scholarship is available for full time undergraduate applicants who are seeking asylum in the UK, and who are not able to access UK Government Student Finance (tuition fee loans or maintenance loans/grants) by virtue of their immigration status.

Postgraduate Sanctuary Scholarship – asylum seeker

If you are an Asylum Seeker in the UK and applying for a postgraduate taught programme, you could apply for the PG Sanctuary Scholarship and be paid up to £18,622 and have your course fees waived to help with course and living costs.

Find out more about the Sanctuary Scholarship and whether you’re eligible to apply. Sanctuary Scholarships are limited in number each year and there is no guarantee you will be made an award.

We also have a limited number of free Duolingo English language tests available for postgraduate taught and research offer holders who hold one of these statuses.

Postgraduate student – refugee status

If you are applying to become a postgraduate taught student and you have Refugee or Humanitarian Protection status you will be eligible for the same support as is provided to Home postgraduate taught students. That is access to government loans and to other University and external funding opportunities, subject to eligibility criteria being met.

If you are applying for a PhD at Bath, please research the different funding opportunities. You could be considered for a studentship or scholarship to help you study at Bath.

Student Retention and Success

If you have any questions or wish to make an appointment please email or call us