Business Continuity Management (BCM) provides a framework for building resilience and capacity for an effective response. It involves implementing principles and processes to ensure that the organisation can continue to maintain its core services through a disruption, whether this be planned or unplanned, and return to business as usual as soon as possible.
Business Continuity Management (BCM)
Business Continuity Management (BCM) is carried out, not only in response to, but proactively in preparation for, potential business continuity disruptions. It involves assessing the risk that various incidents may pose and ensuring that plans and processes are in place to respond effectively.
Examples of incidents, which may cause a Business Continuity disruption include:
- IT system failures
- Telecommunications failures
- Utilities failures e.g. loss of power or water
- Significant staff absence e.g. through infectious disease or industrial action
- Adverse weather e.g. snow and ice, storms and heatwaves
- Business Continuity Policy
- Departmental Business Impact Analysis Template (page under development)
- Departmental Business Continuity Plan Template (page under development)
- Incident Response Framework
- International Incidents Response Plan
- Meningitis & Meningococcal Septicaemia Response Plan
- Adverse Weather Response Plan
- Severe Adverse Weather or Major Transport Incident - Staff attendance & arrangements
Please send Business Continuity enquiries to:
- Siân Dyson, Head of Organisational Resilience and Business Continuity, or
- Susan Stove, Business Continuity & Compliance Operations Manager and Executive Officer.