Online right to work checks can only be used for people who hold the following:
- a biometric residence permit
- a biometric residence card
- status under the EU Settlement Scheme – either pre-settlement or settlement
- a visa allowing them to work in the UK and they were not issued with a vignette in their passport. Usually because they proved their identity via the 'UK Immigration: ID Check' app and not in person at a visa application centre. This could be an EEA citizen who has applied for a Skilled Worker Visa or Global Talent Visa using the ID Check app or a BNO visa holder who applied using the ID Check app
EU, EEA and Swiss citizens can no longer demonstrate their right to work by presenting their EEA passport or national identity card and will need to do so by using the online checking service.
An online right to work check must be undertaken prior to someone starting work at the University and must be conducted with the individual present via a video call or in-person.
For further guidance on all other types of right to work checks, please visit our right to work webpages.
Step 1: Obtain
After first seeking permission from the individual that they would like to demonstrate their right to work using the online service, you'll need to arrange a video call with them at a convenient time to do the check.
Before or during the video call, the individual should view their own Home Office right to work record and provide you with the ‘share code’ generated by the service. They can either provide this to you directly or send it to you via the service, in which case you'll receive an email from The share code will be valid for 90 days, after which date a new code will be required in order to conduct an online check. All share codes now begin with a letter denoting the purpose it can be used for − for example, a share code beginning with the letter 'W' will indicate the share code has been generated by an individual to evidence their right to work.
To view someone's right to work details, you'll need to type in their share code and their date of birth.
You must use the Home Office Online Right to Work Checking Service to conduct an online check. It is not sufficient to simply view the details provided to the individual on the migrant part of the service and doing so will not provide you with a statutory excuse.
Step 2: Check
Check that the photograph on the online right to work check is of the person presenting themselves for work (i.e. the information provided by the check relates to the individual and they are not an imposter). If the appearance of the individual does not correspond with the photograph and/or they want to be known under a different name, you must ask them to provide you with a further document to explain the reason for this. This further document could be a marriage or civil partnership certificate, a divorce decree absolute, an enrolled deed poll or gender recognition certificate for example.
You must only employ the individual, or continue to employ an existing employee if you are conducting a follow-up check, if the online check confirms they have the right to work and are not subject to a condition preventing them from doing the work in question.
If the online right to work check does not confirm that the individual has the right to work in the UK and do the work in question, you will not have established a statutory excuse from this check if you proceed to employ them.
Step 3: Retain
You must retain evidence of the online right to work check. For online checks, this should be the ‘profile’ page confirming the individual’s right to work. This is the page that includes their photo and date on which the check was conducted. You will need to ensure that the 'legal basis of status' drop-down option is selected prior to saving so that information on the type of immigration status is displayed. You will have the option of printing the profile page or saving it as a PDF or HTML file.
You will need to include the following declaration: ‘Date on which this right to work & visual/imposter check was completed’, signed and dated by yourself with the document.
You must check all checkboxes on the online right to work check. Normally, usually, these will appear alongside the following statements:
- check this looks like the person you meet face to face or by video call
- keep a secure copy of this online check (either electronically or in hard copy), for the duration of the employment and for 2 years after
- get and keep details of their academic term and vacation times
A copy of the online right to work check and declaration should then be uploaded to the relevant University system (as appropriate for your position/department) as one document. For sponsored individuals, you may also need to upload a copy of the individual's passport along with your declaration, if applicable 1. Your HR Co-ordinator will then upload these documents to iTrent under the individual’s record.
It is important that you confidentially destroy or delete the right to work documentation once it has been forwarded to HR.
Student or Tier 4 Visa holders
If someone is a Student or Tier 4 Visa holder you must follow the Student/Tier 4 Visa booking process before engaging them in any work.