Our services over the winter holiday
See information about our services over the winter holiday.
If you're a member of staff
The best channels for contacting us are listed on our staff-facing pages.
If you're currently a student at Bath
You can get links to our guidance and services, and contact us, through the Self-service Portal.
If you're a former student
There are various services that Academic Registry can provide if you are a former student of the University.
We can:
- Provide you with a copy of your certificate
- Provide you with proof that you were student here by confirming your study dates or award
- Provide you with copy of your transcript
If you don't get the information you need on the linked guides you'll find contact details for us on each guide page.
You might also find the following information helpful:
- Academic year charts for past academic years
- View our Award ceremonies pages for the latest information about the award ceremonies we're planning in the future
- Links to the information about the Faculty, School or Department you studied in, including contact details
- Information about the Doctoral College, including contact details
Enquiries from organisations external to the University
Enquiries about students who are currently at the University
If you want to confirm that someone is a student at the University, or to get confirmation of their study dates, follow our guide Confirm a current student's course and study dates. You'll need to get permission from the student concerned to correspond with us.
If you'd like to confirm a letter or document you've received about a current student is genuine please contact us.
If you're a Council Tax Officer looking to confirm a student's registration status, please use our form to contact us.
We're not authorised to issue apostilles or notarise documents. View UK government guidance on getting a document legalised.
If you are a member of a public or official body (for example a Government office, or the Police) we can provide you with information relating to a student if you have followed the requisite legal protocols or provided official documentation. Please consult with your organisation about the steps you need to take if you are unsure, then contact us.
Enquiries about students who have left the University
To confirm a former student's award or to request a reference for a former student follow the steps in our guide Verify an award.
To check if a certificate you've received is genuine follow the steps in our guide Check a certificate is authentic.
Management Information
For Bath student-related data, including student numbers, see our student data page.
Academic Registry's work
Contact our Director if you'd like to know more about any aspect of Academic Registry's work at Bath.
If you're a friend or family member
Enquiries about students who are currently at the University
We're not able to correspond with you about any student who is currently registered at the University unless you have the written consent of the student concerned. As our relationship is with the student themselves, we prefer to correspond directly with them, even if you do have their consent, but we understand there are some situations where you feel you might need to contact us once you've cleared this with them. In these cases please use the channels below to get in touch with us.
If you have a concern about a student's welfare please contact their Department.
You may also find the following information on our website helpful:
- Dates and charts for the academic year
- Information about upcoming award ceremonies and graduation arrangements
- Exams and assessments
- Our no-detriment measures
- Council tax and how students can confirm their student status
- Student Support
- More about Academic Registry's services
If you haven't found the information you need
If you have the permission of a student to speak with us please use the following channels to get in touch with us, including their full name, details of the subject they are studying, and a copy of their permission:
- Enquire about something relating to the co-ordination of exams
- Enquire about something relating to a student's registration or status
- Enquire about something relating to graduating students
If the guidance above hasn't given you the information you need, or if you haven't found how to direct your enquiry, get in touch with us via our contact form.
When you contact us let us know if and how we can improve the information on our website to help others like you in the future.
If you need to speak to us urgently
You can contact our Academic Registry helpline if you need to speak to us urgently.
The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 10am to midday and 2pm to 4pm UK time, except for the days marked as University or Public Holidays on our academic year charts, when the University is closed.
From inside the UK call 01225 387444
From outside the UK call 0044 1225 387444