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Disability Access Plans (DAP)

What a Disability Access Plan (DAP) is and how to access one using SAMIS.

What a DAP is

A Disability Access Plan (DAP) identifies recommended reasonable adjustments and exam arrangements which will help a student to fulfil their academic potential and reduce the impact of their disability on their studies. These adjustments are in addition to existing inclusive teaching and learning practices.

DAPs are developed in consultation with the Disability Service and the student concerned, where evidence of a disability and/or long term health condition is provided.

Reasonable adjustments are recommendations based on evidence and course requirements. We welcome your guidance on ensuring the recommended Reasonable Adjustments are appropriate and relevant to your subject discipline

Accessing a student's DAP

DAPs for your students can be accessed via SAMIS on the Web. It is possible to view an individual student’s DAP or to view a list of all students with a DAP on a particular unit/module you teach.

DAPs can also be viewed via the ‘Record student note (UG or PG)’ facility on SAMIS on the Web.

If you are having difficulty accessing your students’ DAPs then please email DAP access queries.

To discuss the contents of a DAP or an individual student’s support requirements, please contact the Disability Advice team who will be happy to talk to you about this.

What action to take

In addition to DAPs being available to view on SAMIS on the Web, notifications of DAPs which have been created or updated are sent to the Director of Studies, Personal Tutor and other Faculty/Department named contact/s.

DAPs are reviewed in response to changing circumstances highlighted by the student or academic department. We encourage you to discuss the effectiveness of these adjustments and any additional support that may be required with the student.

We encourage Unit Convenors to disseminate information within the department to any staff who do not have access to SAMIS including external lecturers, technical staff, doctoral students who teach and examiners for viva examinations who may be supporting students.

Doctoral supervisors are encouraged to discuss with their students which information should be shared when with external examiners.

Getting additional support for a student

You should contact the Disability Service straight away if you:

  • think an existing DAP needs to change
  • teach a student who may need extra support

Download the factsheet

Download a factsheet providing guidelines for accessing, using and reviewing DAPs


If you have any questions, please contact us.