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Disability support for members of staff

The University of Bath's approach to disability and how we support disabled members of staff.


We value, promote and celebrate inclusion, challenging discrimination and putting equality, diversity and belonging at the heart of everything we do.

We aim to be an inclusive university, where difference is celebrated, respected and encouraged. We believe that diversity of experience, perspectives, and backgrounds will lead to a better environment for our employees and students. This is evidenced by our commitment to our Disability Confident leader status.

We have worked with colleagues across the University and raise our expectations of support for our disabled community through making workplaces adjustments so that the environment is as accessible as possible, helping you to reach your full potential.

This page showcases a variety of information you may need as a disabled member of staff or a disabled person thinking of joining our community who is unsure of what support is available.

Travelling to campus

Our campus map shows locations of wheelchair and accessible parking as well as wheelchair access routes, impaired accessibility routes and where the disabled lifts are. We have also worked with AccessAble, who are the UK’s leading provider of access information, to provide details about accessibility of parking, route around campus and our buildings and facilities.

Most lifts allow access to staff members during the day and allow access to specific staff out of hours, which is automatically included on staff cards for staff in those departments. The exception to this is Level 1 access for the Wessex House South lift, which requires programmed access. Please contact Security to have this added to your card. Visitors do not require a card during the day however outside of office hours a card is needed for certain buildings depending on which lifts are used. Most departments will have their own visitor access cards programmed and issued to visitors, although for additional access a visitor should also contact Security.


If you are considering applying for a role with the University of Bath, our recruitment team have put together a detailed ‘help with applying guide’. You are encouraged, in a safe environment, to disclose your disability and ensure a guaranteed interview if you meet the essential criteria. They will then discuss with you what adjustments can be made to the application, interview/selection process to ensure your needs are met.

Adjustments could include, but are not limited to:

  • availability of job descriptions and application forms in different formats such as large print or braille
  • correspondence or anything you may need when visiting us for an interview, for example, additional time for those with dyslexia
  • a job coach to attend and support you or the provision of assistive technology for work based assessments
  • physical adjustments such as wheelchair access

Entering employment

As a new employee joining the University of Bath we aim to ensure that we have everything in place to support you prior to your first day. Working with the Recruitment team to process your pre employment health questionnaire, we would gain your permission to liaise with your HR Advisor and your new line manager to ensure our agreement for adjustments plan is in place. This will include a workstation assessment and if required, a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP).

Assistive Technology

The Assistive Technology team are available to provide additional support through technology to staff members. During a one-to-one appointment you will be able to learn about software, specialist hardware and alternative ways of working, helping you complete your tasks more effectively and comfortably. You will be able to loan equipment to try what works best for you and learn more about available solutions. The Assistive Technology can also provide help with any tools provided through Access to Work.

The University of Bath has licenses for Microsoft 365. Microsoft has an accessibility commitment and has functionality built into all applications.

External support

Access to Work provides practical, individually-tailored advice and support to disabled people who are in, or seeking, paid work. It is a government scheme and an important source of funding for disability support. If you are a new member of staff at the University, please make your first Access to Work application within the first six weeks after starting work here, because, in these circumstances, Access to Work will be more likely to cover up to 100 percent of the approved costs of your adjustments.

Applications to Access to Work need to be made by you, as a disabled member of staff; no one can apply on your behalf. However, if you need any assistance with this you could talk to your HR Advisor. We recommend that staff contact Access to Work, as often, reasonable adjustments are not immediately obvious.


The aFLAME Disability Network is a primarily networking and social group where disabled staff and PhD students can connect with one another, network and discuss issues of shared interest. The Network aims to provide a space for disabled staff and research students to come together, discuss topics of interest and build connections across the University with people who have a certain amount of shared experience, across a range of conditions and disabilities.

If you are interested in getting involved please visit the aFLAME blog and sign up to the email list. If you wish to join the Teams group, please email

Staff and PGR students are also welcome to join the University's Neurodiversity Network, a flexible, non-judgemental space for those who identify as neurodivergent and anyone who wishes to learn more about neurodivergence and how to support others. The Networks aims to help members share experiences, prompt peer support and grow together, and you can get as involved as you choose: you can lead, organise, contribute with material or information, or attend Network meetings.

If you would like more information or are interested in joining, please contact the network Chair on

Wellbeing and support

We have adopted the whole University approach to wellbeing and aspire to create a environment and organisational culture that enhances health and wellbeing across our community. Visit our wellbeing pages to access blogs, podcasts and research and to explore wellbeing events, groups and networks along with access our ‘prevent’ resource pack.

Managing absence and disability leave

We have developed policies to ensure that during the course of employment, line managers manage staff with disabilities in a positive manner. Our disability leave policy allows for reasonable adjustments. Paid time away from work for disabled employees is not only for treatment, rehabilitation or assessment related to their disability, although these are the most common reasons for accessing the leave policy. It may be for long or short periods of time, pro rata and can be taken as block or in short sections – it is designed to be flexible for your circumstances.

Our managing sickness policy contains further information for reasonable adjustments that may be made in relation to sickness absence.


The STV offer free access to the Hydrotherapy pool for staff with mobility issues or impairments. Sessions are held on Monday mornings between 08:15 and 09:15. Places are limited to six people per session. It is recommended that before attending, attendees discuss the merits of warm water exercise with a qualified medical advisor and follow their recommendations.

To book your place, please contact the STV reception 01225 386339. When booking, you will be asked to confirm that you are fit to take part in these sessions. If in doubt, please consult your medical advisor before signing up. You will also be asked to provide details of any support that you might need, for example, to get in and out of the pool.

Please note, these are mixed sessions. A lifeguard will be in attendance during the session.


We offer free training for all staff on Supporting Staff and Students with Disability. By completing this training you help us to remain a supportive environment where staff and students can reach their potential and remove any possible obstacles that could otherwise hinder their success.

SafeZone app

SafeZone has been updated to include an Accessibility Group. Notifications will be sent via the app to notify group members of accessibility interruptions on campus, for example if a lift is out of use. In order to join this group and receive the notifications, please follow these instructions:

  • Download the SafeZone App on your phone.
  • Tap on the three bars on the top left of the screen.
  • Click on ‘Notifications’ in the drop down menu list.
  • Click on ‘Manage Groups’.
  • Look for ‘Accessibility Group’ in the list.
  • Switch the ‘Accessibility Group’ on and you will receive the relevant notifications.

Any questions please feel free to contact Security Helpdesk on

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to tell the University I am disabled?

The University is working hard to create an environment in which staff and students feel confident to declare their disability. Telling us you have a disability is particularly important if you might need any reasonable adjustments to carry out your job. We encourage staff to record their personal data, including their disability status, through Employee Self Service. You have the right to stipulate that this information is not divulged beyond HR.

Should I talk to my line manager?

We encourage staff to talk to your line manager if you have a disability or think you might have a disability. Our Managers have a key responsibility for your general wellbeing and ensuring you have access to a full range of support and opportunities. You should discuss with your line manager any impact your disability has on your work, and what reasonable adjustments you need to do your job now and in the future to the best of your ability. Line managers will also be mindful of impact your work could have on your disability and try and foresee reasonable adjustments to avoid this. Once the line manager is aware, they can put adjustments in place and/or seek advice from your HR Advisor. This might involve referring you to other services like Access to Work or Occupational Health.

Who else can I talk to?

You can contact HR via visiting the HR webpage. You might prefer to speak to your HR Advisor on how to approach your line manager, if you are nervous. For HR to provide full advice and support, it is very likely that your line manager will become involved. HR are likely to be involved to help put the adjustment plan in place. Please be assured everything discussed with your line manger and HR will be treated as sensitive data and confidential.

You can also reach out to the Safety, Health and employee wellbeing team (SHEW), our University Trade Unions (UCU, Unite or Unison) or the Culture and Inclusion team, depending on your needs and the circumstances.

What should I do if my disability progresses and I need more reasonable adjustments?

The University encourages staff to speak to your line manager to have a wellbeing check in. You can discuss if amendments need to be made to your reasonable adjustments, or create new adjustments if required. You can also reach out to HR to obtain advice.

Will I have to pay for reasonable adjustments myself?

As your employer, we are responsible for meeting reasonable costs. For further information, please also check the Access to Work link in the 'External support' section on this page, as Access to Work will often fund elements of any adjustments.