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Get IT equipment to help you at your workspace

As a member of staff, you can get specialist assistive technology equipment from us to match your needs, and improve your productivity and work life.

Getting help

All staff can use our service to help you improve your productivity at work. Our support can be of particular use if you have a medical condition or disability.

To get help you should speak to your manager, or a Health and Safety Advisor if appropriate. That is the route we recommend as they can help you with a broad range of needs, and may forward you to us for Assistive Technologies.

Alternatively, you can come to us directly by completing our help form or by visiting us at the Service Desk in the Library.

Complete your DSE and an Access to Work Assessment

Please make sure you have completed your Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment which should help you highlight any issues and improvements needed for your desk, lab or other workstation. You should be sent this when you join. View further guidance on DSE assessments.

You can apply for Access to Work funding if you have a disability or physical or mental health condition which makes it difficult for you to work. Further advice is available from HR. Assistive Technology is one of the forms of support which can be put in place for you. It is useful to book a consultation with us prior to this assessment so we can advise you on what support may be available.

How we can help you

Once we receive your query, we'll contact you to arrange a consultation. We'll use this to discuss solutions to your needs. You can ask any questions you have and learn about what tailored equipment is available. You can also:

If you have already found equipment or software that works well for you we still want to hear from you. We can show you other examples which might suit your needs more or we can learn from you to improve our service.

Ordering equipment and software

If the solutions suggested in the consultation work well for you, we will issue the ordering information to you. You will be able to pass this on to your manager for approval and purchase by your department.

Get help from the Assistive Technology team

Get help from the Assistive Technology team