Before using Typecase
Before you add a page or some new content to, think about whether the website is the best place for your content. For example, if you're trying to raise awareness about something or reach a particular group of people, it might be more effective to use social media or email.
If you don't already have access to Typecase, you must request training and complete two test exercises before you can use it.
If you only need access to update or create a few web pages as a one-off or rare occurrence, you should check if anyone in your team or department already has access and can help you instead. You can also contact and ask the Content team to add or update content for you.
Log in to Typecase
You need to log in to Typecase before you can start using it.
Find and edit existing content
When you log in to Typecase, you see a list of all the content items owned by your primary organisation. This is usually the department or team you work in at the University.
You'll also see content items:
- owned by groups belonging to your primary organisation
- associated with your primary organisation
- associated with groups belonging to your primary organisation
Read more about adding responsible organisations and groups to web pages.
Find a content item
To find an existing content item, you can:
- use the search bar to look for a specific page title
- filter the list to only see certain content items
- scroll through the full list of content items
The list shows the most recently saved or published content items first.
Use the search bar
If you know the title, or part of the title, of the content item you're looking for, use the search bar at the top of the page to find it.
Click on the page title when it appears beneath the search bar to open the edit screen.
Filter the content list
You can filter the list of content items by:
- owning organisation or group
- content type and subtype (the template used to make the content item)
- status (whether the content item is published, in draft, or scheduled)
To filter the list:
- Use the drop-down menus to select an owning organisation or group, content type, or status - you can choose from any or all of the menus.
- Click 'Apply filters' to see the results.
- Click on the content item in the list to open the edit screen.
Create a new content item
To make a new content item, click 'Create a new item' at the top of the page.
You'll see a list of all the content types and a brief explanation of the type of content you should use each one for.
Choose the most appropriate content type and click on its name to open the template.