The Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) captures information about graduate activities such as employment and further study, approximately 15 months after they finish their course. The survey is administered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), which is part of Jisc. It has been run since 2017/18, when it replaced Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey.
Go to the Graduate Outcomes website for more information from HESA.
The data
The survey provides a rich dataset with information on graduate activities, as well as employer names and job titles. It also captures graduate reflections on how their activities compare to their original plans and the extent to which they’ve developed relevant skills whilst studying
The survey results help students make decisions about their future and universities understand the outcomes of its graduates and identify where targeted support might be required. The survey data is also used by several third parties, such as the Office for Students (OfS), who use it for regulatory purposes like the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). It is also used by league table compilers who calculate their own bespoke metrics using the data.
Bath specific data
Key Figures
Our most recent Graduate Outcomes Survey results for 2021/22 leavers show that for first degree full-time UK domiciled graduates:
- 89% had a graduate-level employment or further study outcome 1
- of those whose main activity was work and whose location of work was in the UK, 92% were in high-skilled employment 2
Power BI report
The University has a Power BI report for its own GOS results, accessible by staff with a legitimate interest. Access can be requested.
The BI report replaces the Graduate Outcomes Wiki. The Wiki will be retired by the end of 2024.
More information on how Graduate Outcomes data can be used can be found in the Data Usage Statement.
Graduate Outcomes: National level
Some Graduate Outcomes data is available at the national level:
- HESA publishes Graduate Outcomes summary data on its website.
- The Office for Students publishes its Progression measure which uses Graduate Outcomes
- Prospects Luminate publish 'What do graduates do?' which gives a summary of graduate outcomes by UK regions and subject areas
Graduate Outcomes subject summaries
Summaries for Bath full-time UK domiciled first degree graduates by subject of study groups, showing example industries, occupations, job titles and employer names are available on our website.
The short summaries are suitable for career guidance and admissions use; for example, Open Days. These summaries are publicly accessible and updated annually in May.
How you can help
Final year students
You can help by communicating these messages to final year students:
- please participate when you are invited to respond to the Graduate Outcomes survey 15 months after leaving Bath.
- the responses will be crucial in allowing current and future students to make informed choices and in helping the University of Bath evaluate and promote our courses.
- update SAMIS prior to leaving with contact details (email/telephone).
- if you have new contact details (email or telephone) following graduation please email
After graduation
Mention to graduates who get in touch, for example, by providing references, to expect the Graduate Outcomes survey 15 months after leaving and promote the importance of responding (see above). Request that they email with any new contact details (email or telephone).
Further information
Please contact Careers if you have any queries about the Graduate Outcomes survey.