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How Research and Impact Services can help new academic staff

If you're a new member of academic staff at the University, find out how Research and Impact Services (RIS) can support you during your time at Bath.

Are you a new member of research staff? This page provides a summary of all the information you may find useful in your first few months working at the university.

Costing and submitting your research application

If you are planning to submit a research application the Pre-Award team can support you through the proposal prepatation process, particularly with costing your application. They can also advise you on moving an existing grant to the University of Bath. Email Pre-Award for help and advice.

Finding funding and collaborators

Search for funding opportunities through Research Professional, the University database for research funding information. You can search for Research Fellowships and early career funding, affording you the time (usually 3-5 years) to focus on research.

See our information on applying for your first grant and our Research Proposal Library, for examples of successfully funded proposals.

We can signpost you to the most suitable collaborators or networks for your research.


Pure is the University’s Research Information System which acts as a single point of information about our research; data from Pure is used for probation reports, SDPRs (appraisals) and promotion cases. Pure is also important for ensuring we meet funders’ policies by making the University’s research publications Open Access. Please contact for any enquiries. We run regular training on Pure.

Workshops and events

The Research Development Managers in RIS work with researchers to develop and manage the submission of high quality research funding proposals. They also run several events to support your research. These include:

  • Application Surgeries - constructive feedback on planned research or knowledge transfer activities
  • Writing Retreats - a quiet place and time to work on your research proposals with RIS staff to provide advice

A full list of RIS events is available.

Our Business Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange team has a fully-funded Ignite+ event series. This is for businesses and external organisations to engage with us and discover how our research can address their challenges. Let us know if you have an idea for an Ignite+ event.


We offer contractual and financial support to academic staff for short timescale projects. This is for deploying your knowledge to help client organisations solve technical or other problems, usually in an industrial or commercial context, specific to the client’s business. Further information on Consultancy Services.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs)

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) is a UK-wide programme funded by Innovate UK, enabling businesses to improve their competitiveness, productivity and performance. KTPs help business succeed by connecting them to UK academic resources. The KTP team in RIS brings together academics and businesses on strategic projects. They support the drafting and submission of KTP proposals and on-going administrative support. Further information.

Research Project Management Service (RPMS)

RPMS provides professionally qualified staff who can be costed into research grants, allowing you more time for your research. There are various levels of project management and finance administration available. We are experienced in supporting large, multi-partner projects, in particular RCUK and EU-funded activities. For more about the support and costing it into your application, contact the Research Project Management Service.

At the Post-Award stage each project is monitored to ensure that funder regulations regarding expenditure are followed. Cost claims or invoices are sent to funders as necessary. When a project has finished final expenditure statements or reports are sent to funders and projects are closed. Contact Post Award for further information.

Getting a contract for your research

You will need a contract if you are working with external organisations to do your research (paid or unpaid), such as other universities, business and government bodies. This includes KTPs, consultancy, Innovate UK, or European Commission collaborative R&D projects. Further information.

Research impact

Find out what resources, support and tools are available to help you with identifying and evidencing the impact of your research. Contact the Research Impact Manager for further information.