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HR Excellence in Research Award

The University gained the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission in September 2011, and has retained the award since then.

HR Excellence in Research Award logo
HR Excellence in Research Award

About the HR Excellence in Research Award

The HR Excellence in Research Award reflects Bath’s commitment to:

The HR Excellence in Research Award is a UK-wide process, incorporating the QAA Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes and the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (published in 2008). It enables institutions to gain the European Commission’s ‘HR excellence in Research’ badge, acknowledging alignment with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment.

The responsibility for implementation of the strategy lies with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) and is managed by the Research Staff Working Group.

Researcher Development Concordat action plans and progress

University of Bath became a signatory of the revised Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (published in 2019) in January 2020.

Action Plan 2019-2022

Researcher Development Concordat Annual Report 2022-2023

HR Excellence in Research Award progress

12 year review - 2023

Progress report - 2023

Action plan - 2023-2026 - revised June 2024

Update on actions - 2021-2023 - revised June 2024

10 year review - 2021

Progress report - 2021

Action plan - 2021-2023

Update on actions - 2019-2021

8 year review - 2019

Progress report - 2019

Action plan - 2019-2021

Update on actions - 2017-2020

6 year review – 2017

Progress report - 2017

Action plan - 2017-2020

Update on actions - 2015-2017

4 year review – 2015

Progress report - 2015

Action plan - 2015

2 year review – 2013

Progress report - 2013

Action plan - 2013

Original action plan

Action plan - 2011


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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