What are the Library fines?
Although we no longer charge daily late fees on our own library materials, you could be asked to pay a fine if material we borrow for you from another Library is returned late, or be asked to pay a replacement charge if you lose a library book or your library card.
The library fines system is in place to encourage circulation of books required by other readers. The fines are decided by the University Librarian who consults with staff and student representatives.
Items should be returned to the Library as soon as possible when they are due. Extremely overdue items will be recorded as Lost by the Library.
There is a £40 replacement fee for Lost items. A block will go on to your borrower account until the book is returned or payment received. Blocked borrowers cannot borrow more items and the automatic renewal of any other loans will stop.
Some loanable items generate a daily late fee if not returned by the due date:
- Inter-Library Loans 80p per day
- Reference Only (for use in the Library only) items: Theses, Calculators 40p per day
A block will go onto your account if the total charges on your account reach £10 or more.
If you have lost or damaged a library book, please let Library staff know as soon as possible for further advice. The standard replacement charge is £40. However, borrowers may provide a new or good quality second-hand replacement instead.
You can pay your library fines
- in person at the Library's Reader Services desk during staffed hours
- online by logging your into your Borrower account