Course information
Information on undergraduate and postgraduate courses can be found on our courses web page. Most undergraduate courses are delivered over a 30 week academic year comprising two 15 week semesters.
Reasonable adjustments
Recommendations made by DSA Study Needs Assessors will be considered within the context of the University’s policies and procedures and implementation is at the University’s discretion.
The Disability Service actively encourage appointments with students during the summer months before they commence their studies. This ensures support and reasonable adjustments are in place from the beginning of their course.
The Disability Service produce Disability Access Plans (DAPs) for students which informs their department about the impact of their disability and make recommendations for reasonable adjustments.
Non-medical helpers
The University does not have a preferred supplier of non-medical helper support. Students are able to book rooms to meet with a support worker on campus. We would advise that Needs Assessors check that individual NMH suppliers have availability to meet a specific student’s requirements before including them in their report.
If NMH support is identified in the needs assessment which falls outside current DSA provisions, such as Band 1 and 2 support, assessors are asked to outline the difficulties that the student is likely to face, and outline any specific details relating to why DSA-funded support will not be sufficient.
Exam arrangements
Exam arrangements are organised by the Disability Service and there are deadlines by which students need to apply for these. The deadline is normally approximately six weeks before the start of the assessment period. Arrangements are put in place following a discussion with the student and consideration of supporting medical evidence. Exam arrangements can include:
- extra time
- stop-the-clock rest breaks
- use of assistive technology software
- use of readers, scribes and prompts
- alternative venues.
Further information regarding exams including video explaining alternative examination arrangements.
Transition support for students
Pre-arrival event
Students identified as likely to experience difficulties with the transition to University are invited to a pre-arrival event organised by the Disability Service. If you assess a student who you think would benefit from this event, please email the Disability Service. Students are invited to arrive at the University two days before the main arrival day and there is a schedule of informative and social events.
Campus buddies
This scheme, run by the Disability Service, offers first year students with ASC or social anxiety the opportunity of being matched with a current, fully trained, student volunteer.
Lecture capture
The University of Bath has Re:View lecture capture technology to enable teaching staff to record presentations and lectures, and to make them available via Moodle. This is an opt-in scheme for lecturers and not all teaching rooms are equipped with lecture capture facilities. Students who need recordings may therefore be required to use their own recording equipment or software.
Transport and parking
The University has disabled parking bays for blue badge holders. Undergraduate students who live within the BA1 and BA2 postcodes are not normally provided with parking permits. They can, however, use the pay and display parking spaces (which are limited in number). Disabled students who require a University parking permit should apply to the parking office and supply supporting medical evidence.
The University has a range of accessible accommodation and en-suite accommodation. Students are required to complete the additional requirements application form and provide supporting medical evidence by 1 July in their year of entry.
Library services and alternative formats
Subject librarians can meet with students for a one-to-one introduction to the library and a confidential conversation about the types of library support required such as alternative formats. The library may be able to obtain reading resources in a more accessible format such as PDF, directly from the publisher.
Assistive technology and equipment
Students can be referred to the AT service for short or long term loans of equipment including laptops with assistive software installed including speech-to-text and mind mapping programs. There is a dedicated study room in the library containing computers with additional specialist software and hardware to provide speech-to-text, screen magnification, scanning and dedicated print and Braille output.
All students can download MS Office 365 free of charge.
£200 laptop contribution
Students are able to apply to the University Financial Support fund for support with this cost. Alternatively, students can obtain an application form from the Disability Service.
Skills Centre
All University students can access academic, mathematics and language skills support and enhancement at the Skills Centre. The Academic Skills Program runs courses, workshops, one-to-one support and drop-ins. The Mathematics Resources Centre (MASH) offers all students support with maths and statistics problems.
Sensitive marking
The University does not offer sensitive marking and labels/stickers are not used to identify students.