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Japanese courses for University of Bath students and staff

Find out about our courses and how to enrol on the right one for you

Piece of paper saying 'ikigai', also written in Japanese writing underneath, meaning 'reason to live'.
Develop your Japanese language and intercultural skills

Our language courses aim to develop your linguistic skills and intercultural competence.


The following Japanese courses are available for University of Bath students and staff:

Semester 1

  • Complete Beginner
  • Lower Intermediate Part 1
  • Advanced

Semester 2

  • Complete Beginner
  • Post Beginner
  • Lower Intermediate Part 2

You can find out more about our courses on the general information page.

Please read the course descriptions below to enrol on the right course for you.

Please contact for detailed entry guidelines and Schemes of Work for each course.

Course descriptions

Complete Beginner (Semester 1 & 2)

This course is suitable if you have never studied Japanese before, or if you know just a few words or phrases.

During the course you will:

  • be introduced to the language (pronunciation, vocabulary and basic grammar)
  • learn to use greetings and useful phrases
  • learn to introduce yourself and family (e.g. name, nationality, age, occupation, hobbies, likes and dislikes and describing people)
  • learn to use the Japanese alphabets (Hiragana) and some Kanji
  • learn to understand simple written and spoken texts
  • be introduced to some aspects of traditional and modern Japanese culture, society, customs and habits

Post Beginner (Semester 2)

This course is suitable if you have completed the complete beginner course with us or you are at a similar level. In order to join the course, you are required to be able to read Hiragana fluently.

During the post beginner's course, you will learn to:

  • talk about yourself and everyday topics, such as: family and friends, daily routines, weekend and holiday plans and experiences, and your hometown / home country
  • use some phrases for weather, shopping and at a restaurant
  • use the Japanese alphabets (Hiragana and Katakana) and some Kanji
  • read short spoken and written texts, including both fiction and non-fiction
  • be introduced to some aspects of traditional and modern Japanese culture, society, customs, and habits.

Lower Intermediate Part 1 (Semester 1)

This course is suitable if you have completed the Post Beginners' course with us, or if you are at a similar level. Alternatively, you can join this course if you are at A1 level in the CEFR, a rusty past GCSE level student or achieved IB ab initio grades 1 – 5; or/and if you are preparing for JLPT N5. You are required to be able to read Hiragana and Katakana fluently. There is no specific vocabulary list, and you are required to have a basic range of vocabulary. Kanji is not taught in lessons, but Kanji is used in lessons. Kanji readings are included in most lesson resources. 

During the course, you will learn to

  • conjugate verbs
  • talk confidently about yourself and everyday topics such as: family and friends, daily routines, hobbies and interests, abilities and talents, past experiences and events, customs and habits, and future plans using some complex grammar structures
  • express your thoughts and opinions
  • listen to, read, write, and understand short texts, including both fiction and non-fiction
  • talk about some aspects of traditional and modern culture, society, customs, and habits both in Japan and your home country

Lower Intermediate Part 2 (Semester 2)

This course is suitable if you have completed the Lower Intermediate Part 1 course with us, or if you are at a similar level. Alternatively, you can join this course if you are at A1/A2 level in the CEFR; have achieved a recent GCSE with a high grade or IB ab initio grades 6 or 7 / IB standard level grades 1 – 4; and/or if you have passed JLPT N5 or have just started preparing for JLPT N4. Kanji is not taught in lessons, but Kanji is used in lessons. Kanji readings are included in most lesson resources. 

During the course, you will learn to:

  • talk confidently and in detail about everyday topics such as: family and friends, weather forecasts and your health and well-being using some complex grammar structures
  • understand and follow instructions, including directions and during emergencies
  • speak about a variety of subjects in formal and informal ways
  • listen to, read, write, and understand longer texts, including both fiction and non-fiction
  • talk about some aspects of traditional and modern culture, society, customs, and habits in Japan, your home country, and other countries

Advanced (Semester 1) 

This course is suitable if your Japanese is at the level of JLPT N2/N1, or CEFR B2+/C1, or if you have studied Japanese as a foreign language at degree level. Alternatively, you can join the course if Japanese is your heritage language, or you have lived in Japan for several years, but you have never been formally taught Japanese as a second language.  All students attending this advanced course are expected to be proficient in Japanese in all 4 skills. Kanji is used in lessons and Kanji readings are included in most lesson resources. Students are expected to be able to read some basic Kanji at JLPT N3 level.

The aim of this course is to give opportunities for advanced learners to use Japanese language to develop further their language skills. In each lesson there are set tasks on a certain topic designed to enhance employability skills. Students will be able to communicate clearly and confidently using standard and polite Japanese in a wide range of situations, take part in debates and deliver presentations, and produce pieces of writing on various topics.

Course dates and times

All courses consist of 10 weekly interactive sessions delivered either in person on campus or live online remotely.

Taster sessions will be held during the weeks of 23 and 30 September 2024.

Enrolments will open on Wednesday 18 September and close on Thursday 7 November.

Semester 1 lessons will start in the week beginning 7 October 2024.

Timetable for Semester 1

Courses Delivery Day Time Start date End date Enrolment
Complete Beginner in-person Tuesday 13:15 to 15:05 8 Oct 10 Dec Enrol on Complete Beginner
Complete Beginner in-person Wednesday 11:15 to 13:05 9 Oct 11 Dec Enrol on Complete Beginner
Complete Beginner in-person Wednesday 17:15 to 19:05 9 Oct 11 Dec Enrol on Complete Beginner
Lower Intermediate Part 1 in-person Tuesday 18:15 to 20:05 8 Oct 10 Dec Enrol on Lower Intermediate
Lower Intermediate Part 1 in-person Wednesday 14:15 to 16:05 9 Oct 11 Dec Enrol on Lower Intermediate
Advanced in-person Tuesday 15:15 to 17:05 8 Oct 10 Dec Enrol on Advanced

Student experience

"Through the Beginners Japanese course, I’ve gained invaluable skills that I hope to use not just when I’m living in Japan, but in other careers in the future, too." (Hannah Halman, BA Spanish and Politics)

Read these student blogs on learning Japanese:

In addition to our courses, there are opportunities to develop your language and intercultural skills informally with other students through Peer Assisted Learning, Virtual Exchange and the Language Café.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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