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We aim to make the process of leaving our employment as smooth as possible.

Resigning from your job

If you are resigning from your job you will need to do the following:

  • speak to your line manager about your intention to resign

  • check what contractual notice you are required to give us

  • agree with your line manager your last working day at the University

  • check your annual leave entitlement: as far as possible you should ensure that all outstanding leave is taken before you leave the University. If no details on outstanding leave are stated in your email, letter or on the Employee Leaver Form and confirmed by your line manager, we will assume you have taken it prior to leaving

  • confirm all of this in writing (using either the Employee Leaver Form, or an email/letter confirming the same information) as soon as possible. You must copy your resignation email/letter to your relevant HR Operations Co-ordinator. Academic staff should copy their email/letter to the Director of Human Resources

  • follow our offboarding process so that you can access/download important Payroll documents such as your P45, payslips and P60. Please note: P45s will no longer be sent to employees upon leaving, instead you will need to provide us with your personal email address so that you can access this in Employee Self-Service (ESS) as part of the leaving process.

Once Human Resources have received your email/letter and Employee Leaver Form, we will send you an email to confirm this.

Your line manager is responsible for guiding you through the leaving process.

Retiring from the University

If you are retiring from the University, you need to follow all of the stages in the resigning section.

In addition, if you are considering retirement and are a member of an occupational pension scheme, contact the Pensions Office at least eight to ten weeks before you intend to retire from the University. This will allow the Pensions Office time to discuss your options with you, and undertake a benefits forecast if you wish.

If you are a member of either the USS or LGPS pension schemes, there is also opportunity to take flexible retirement.

You may also wish to take advantage of one of our courses in planning for retirement.

Managers' responsibilities

If a member of your team is leaving you need to:

  • ask for confirmation in writing of your employee's intention to resign or retire using the Employee Leaver Form on its own, or with an email/letter)
  • check that sufficient notice is being given in line with the contractual notice periods
  • agree your employee's last working day at the University
  • check and agree their annual leave entitlement: you may find it useful to use the holiday calculator to help with this
  • complete the Employee Leaver Form and return it to your HR Operations Co-ordinator as soon as possible
  • arrange for your employee to return all University property, including security passes, keys, laptops and phones. You may also need to remove their name from any authorised signatory list and replace them with a new authoriser on systems, such as Agresso and iTrent

Recruiting to a vacancy

Do you need to recruit a new member of your team?

Start planning your recruitment needs as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, use Manager Self-Service to ensure that all reportees are assigned to a temporary nominated manager so that annual leave and sickness records can be maintained.

Redundancy and redeployment

If you are leaving due to redundancy, please refer to our redundancy procedure.

End of fixed-term contract

If you are employed on a fixed-term contract which is ending, please refer to our end of fixed-term contract process.

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