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LGBTQ+ students

Where you can get help with LGBTQ+ issues.

University services

LGBTQ+ student support at Bath

LGBTQ+ student support at Bath links to several support guides including coming out at university.


Kaleidoscope is a group open to all staff and postgraduate researchers at the University who identify as LGBT+ and provides social events, lines of support and representation at university level.

Student Support Advice Service

The Student Support Advice Service provide wellbeing and welfare advice and support to all students. You can talk to them about anything that's bothering you.

SU services

Advice & Support Team

If you'd like to speak to someone about an academic, housing or personal concern, the independent SU Advice & Support Team offer confidential and non-judgemental advice by email & appointment. The best way to speak to an Adviser is to email We usually respond within one day and can arrange an appointment (in-person or online) between Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm.


Nightline offer a peer-to-peer confidential & non-judgemental listening service every night of term between 8pm and 8am. You can phone (the number is on the back of your library card) or use the anonymous instant messenger.

SU Community Officer

The SU Community Officer is elected to represent LGBTQ+ students to the University. They work directly with the student LGBT+ group and work on issues relevant to the LGBTQ+ community. You can contact them with any queries or concerns related to LGBT+.

LGBT+ group

The LGBT+ group represent and bring together the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Plus students of the University of Bath.  It s a free student led group running weekly meetings, regular socials and opportunities to get involved in campaigning.

Outside organisations

Off the Record

Off the Record is a mental health social movement for young people aged under 25 providing confidential support, advice and counselling including a range of LGBTQ+ youth group sessions and one-to- one support.