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Library vacation loans

Advice for library members about book loans, renewal and due dates during University vacations and bank holidays.

Easter Vacation 2025

This advice relates only to standard 7-day loans from the main Library subject floors which are automatically renewed by the Library. Books will be renewed/issued to a specific date after the vacation or your library card expiry date if it comes before the end of vacation date.

Books borrowed or renewed from Friday 11 April, will not be due for return or further renewal until Wednesday 7 May 2025 to take account of the Easter vacation period.

  • If a book has been recalled because another borrower has reserved it BEFORE the start of the vacation, it will still be due for return in the days leading up to the vacation start. Requested items cannot be renewed if there is an outstanding request.

  • If a book is recalled because someone else requests if on or AFTER we have set the Vacation Loans Policy dates, then the earliest date it will be due for return will be after the vacation on Wednesday 7 May 2025 – we don’t expect the item to be returned during the vacation. Advisory emails will show the due date as being after the vacation.

  • If no-one requests any of the books a borrower has on loan, the books will be renewed automatically every 7-days (as normal) from Wednesday 7 May 2025.

About vacation loans

The library allows loan items to be borrowed during vacation periods when many students leave campus at Easter, Summer and Christmas. Loan periods are also adjusted for bank holiday weekends and other University closed days.

The aim is that no books are due for return or renewal during a vacation or unstaffed periods on University closed days.

The Library automatic renewals system is adjusted around 7 days before the start of a vacation period. This allows loans that can be renewed to extend to a date after the upcoming vacation.

If a book already has a request on it before we automatically renew all the loans this way, it will still be due for return before the vacation begins.

Items borrowed during vacation periods will also have their loan renewal or due date extended to cover the entire vacation period.

This advice relates only to items from the main Library subject floors. There is specific advice below relating to Inter-Library Loan items. Items such as calculators and theses which are for Library-use only are not affected by the vacation loans arrangements and will be due for return on the same day as normal.

Inter-Library Loans & DVDs

Inter-Library Loans are normally issued for 5 weeks at a time with reference to the Library they come from. These due dates are not extended automatically by library systems but are set by Inter-Library Loans staff who take vacation periods into account.

Please refer to Inter-Library Loans colleagues for advice if you need to extend your Inter-Library loan.

DVDs, located on Level 3 of the Library, are loanable for 7 days at a time and are also automatically renewed every 7-days. The due date for these materials will take into account periods when there are no staffed services.

Upcoming vacations information

This information is tailored to each vacation period shortly before the start of the holiday.

The library will attempt to automatically renew current loans from a date before the vacation with a new renewal or due date after the vacation - usually in the first teaching week after the vacation.

This advice relates only to standard 7-day loans from the main Library subject floors which are automatically renewed by the Library. Books will be renewed/issued to a specific date after the vacation or your library card expiry date if it comes before the end of vacation date.

  • If a book has been recalled because another borrower has reserved it BEFORE the start of the vacation, it will still be due for return in the days leading up to the vacation start. Requested items cannot be renewed if there is an outstanding request.

  • If a book is recalled because someone else requests if on or AFTER we have set the Vacation Loans Policy dates, then the earliest date it will be due for return will be after the vacation – we don’t expect the item to be returned during the vacation. Advisory emails will show the due date as being after the vacation.

  • If no-one requests any of the books a borrower has on loan, the books will be renewed automatically every 7-days (as normal) from the first renewal date after the vacation period.


If you have any questions, please contact us.