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Linking content in Pure

How to create links between records in Pure.


In Pure, records can be linked to each other to indicate that there is a connection between them. For example, publications can be linked to a project. This is known as ‘relations’ in Pure.

Create relations between records for:

  • reporting on research outcomes
  • linking together information for impact case studies

Linking content

You can check what content is linked to a record by viewing the selection called 'Relations'. Any linked content will be listed.

To add a new link:

  1. Open the record (for example, a project record).
  2. Scroll down to the ‘Relations’ section.
  3. Select the ‘+’ button underneath the content type you want to add (for example, 'Research output') to activate a drop down list of your records.
  4. Your records will be displayed. Click on the record you want to link to.
  5. Select 'Save'.

You can also search for a record if it is not displayed.

Examples of content to link

  • Linking research outputs to projects, to improve reporting to funding bodies (eg, we can upload data onto ResearchFish on your behalf if links between publications and projects have been created)
  • Linking research outputs and activities to impact records, to help document your pathway to impact
  • Linking research outputs to the relevant equipment/facility, to support ongoing provision

Pure user guides

See other Pure user guides.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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