We can experience excessive pressure and demands outside work just as much as we can at work. It is understandable that stressors at home can affect you at work and vice versa. To manage work-related stress effectively, it's valuable to recognise the importance and interaction of work and home problems.
If this is an area you want to develop, you might want to consider things affecting you such as unexpected life changes, health issues, caring responsibilities, life balance and difficulties at home.
There are a range of topics available that can support your wellbeing.
This interactive self study e-learning course provides an introduction to wellbeing
When times are tough, it's important to look after our physical and mental wellbeing to help us continue to feel good and stay productive. These handy tips in Maintaining Yourself For Peak Performance will help you keep on top of your game
Assess your health with this simple questionnaire about the effects your current lifestyle may have on your health and wellbeing, and what small steps you could take to improve it
Regular exercise can help provide a sense of wellbeing, boost you energy, help you sleep better and help you feel more relaxed and positive in general
This self development e-learning uses a range of realistic examples, scenarios and challenges to help you put together a development plan.