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MPharm Pharmacy with Preparatory Year (at the University of Plymouth) units

Find out more about the units available during the preparatory year of our MPharm Pharmacy with Preparatory Year, delivered at the University of Plymouth.

This page contains details about the units available on our:

Introduction to Pharmacy and Professional Skills

Credits: 10
Delivered by University of Bath teaching staff

Gain an introduction to healthcare in the UK, the NHS, the role of pharmacists and other healthcare professionals, the GPhC, professional standards, ethics and Fitness to Practice. You will learn the basics of pharmacy legislation and the supply of medicines and visit community and hospital pharmacies.

You will gain study and life skills, including time management, literature searching, referencing, communication skills, and group working.

Mathematics and Numeracy for Pharmacy

Credits: 10
Delivered by University of Bath teaching staff

Explore the fundamental aspects of mathematics and numeracy relevant to pharmacy including fractions, decimals, ratios, percentages, exponents, powers, logs, concentrations, dilutions, linear and simultaneous equations, quadratics, basic statistics, probability and representation of data. This is contextualised by reference to pharmacy throughout.

Introduction to Chemistry

Credits: 10
Delivered by University of Bath teaching staff

Learn the fundamental aspects of organic and physical chemistry relevant to pharmacy including atomic structure, bonding, functional group behaviour, acids and bases, kinetics and pharmaceutical analysis. This is contextualised by reference to common therapeutic drug molecules throughout. 

You will be introduced to the practical aspects of chemical synthesis and pharmaceutical analysis, with attendant requirements for communicating their results in writing via laboratory reports. 

Introduction to Human Physiology

Credits: 10
Delivered by University of Plymouth teaching staff

This module will provide a foundation of knowledge and understanding of human anatomy and physiology. Using example systems, it will emphasise relationships between structure and function and examine homeostatic regulation in these systems.

Molecules to Cells

Credits: 10
Delivered by University of Plymouth teaching staff

This module will provide a grounding in key aspects of basic organic chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, molecular and cellular biology that will underpin later learning.

The aim is to introduce important biochemical reactions within the human body, the structure and roles of nucleic acids and key concepts of cellular organisation and function.

Interdisciplinary and Team Based Learning

Credits: 10
Delivered by University of Plymouth teaching staff

This module is designed to enable learners to develop key skills required for working in multidisciplinary teams. Students will be encouraged to work with their colleagues to manage tasks and tailor learning according to their own particular discipline.