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No-detriment and assessment guidance 2019/20

A quick reference guide to the documentation that was available online about no-detriment and assessment measures applicable in the 2019/20 academic year.

The information you can find here

This page includes links to the documentation and pdf copies of webpages that were available online about no-detriment and assessment measures applicable to the 2019/20 academic year.

Please note, pdf copies of webpages may contain active links to pages that no longer exist, or have been subsequently updated. The links on this page provide an accurate representation of what was live in the 2019/20 academic year. If you have any questions, please contact Academic Registry.

Information for other academic years

Formal documentation for 2019/20

  • COVID-19 No-Detriment Measures for Taught Student Outcomes provides an overview of the measures that were put in place.
  • Undertaking your Assessments - summarised the no-detriment measures that applied to assessment, whether to submit an Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMC) Claim, and what would happen if a student was unable to complete coursework by the submission deadline or had technical difficulties.
  • UG Finalist no-detriment and classification safety net - summarised the general no-detriment measures that applied to undergraduate finalists, and the classification 'safety-net'.
  • UG Continuing(non-finalist) no-detriment and classification safety net - summarised the general no-detriment measures and the classification 'safety-net', and what it meant for first-year undergraduate students and undergraduate non-finalists who, in 2019/20, were in in a part/stage of a programme that was weighted towards the final award classification.
  • PGT no-detriment and classification safety net - summarised the general no-detriment measures that applied to PGT students, and the classification 'safety-net'.
    • Quality Assurance statement: 'Arrangements for the delivery of Assessment during COVID-19 disruption' (Please email Academic Registry for a copy) - This statement contained information on delivery of alternative assessments that replaced on-campus examinations.
    • Quality Assurance statement: 'Arrangements for Boards of Examiners during COVID-19 disruption' (Please email Academic Registry for a copy) - This statement contained information on the delivery of Boards of Examiners during COVID-19 disruption.

Online guides and FAQs for 2019/20

Messages to the student community in 2019/20

Related assessment and results guides

  • Understanding your results - 2019/20 - Provided information to students on taught programmes about:
    • how results were considered in 2019/20 under the University’s no-detriment measures
    • what would happen next if a student was eligible for a first attempt at an assessment during the supplementary period
    • answers to common questions about results.
  • Academic Decision Codes for 2019/20 - A list of the progression and award decision codes students received for the 2019/20 academic year, and the full meaning of each of those codes.
  • Guidance on undertaking exams in the semester 2 and the supplementary period are available from the Student Guides to Exams archive.
  • Exam schedules are available on request. Please email Academic Registry for a copy.