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Overview of Pure

Pure captures a wide range of data about our University’s research, and serves as a single point of access for research management information.

What is Pure

Pure is a Current Research Information System (CRIS), collecting a range of information about University’s research. This is used for internal and external reporting, performance review, benchmarking, and raising University’s research profile on the web.

Why is Pure important

Pure serves as a single point of access for all research information and fulfils a number of functions across the University.

As a researcher you can use Pure for:

  • meeting the REF and funders’ open access requirements by uploading publication full-texts to Pure
  • raising the visibility of your research profile through the University of Bath’s Research Portal
  • running the Research Activity Report (RAR), which forms a part of the academic probation, promotion and annual appraisal processes
  • creating links between projects and outputs to reduce the amount of effort required when reporting to ResearchFish
  • linking your Pure profile to your Orcid ID, to automatically populate the Orcid profile with Pure information and enable a data push from Orcid to ResearchFish
  • keeping an up to date record of all your research activity at Bath and produce automated CVs

At the University level, Pure is used for:

  • producing research management reports, reducing the requests for research data from departments and enhancing the data available for planning purposes
  • raising the public visibility of our University’s research through the University of Bath’s Research Portal
  • meeting funder compliance requirements for making publications open access and information about research datasets and shareable equipment transparent
  • reporting to UKRI and other funders about the outcomes of the funded research projects
  • preparing our University’s submission for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Data in Pure

Pure takes data on research from our existing data systems (Agresso, SAMIS, iTrent) and combines it with data stored directly in Pure (e.g. impact and esteem activities), to provide an overview of research at Bath. Pure contains data about and can report on all aspects of research information, including (but not exclusively):

  • research staff
  • grants and contracts
  • publications
  • research impact
  • collaborations
  • post-graduate research students

Pure is designed to maintain an ongoing historic record of research activity at Bath. This means that data about members of staff and their research outputs, projects and activities will be retained in Pure after they have left the University. If you wish to you can extract a copy of your data from Pure before leaving the University.

Access to Pure

Pure is a web-based system and can be accessed from anywhere.

All members of staff in academic and research related posts should automatically have Pure accounts set up for them.

Pure accounts may be requested for other members of staff (such as support staff) by emailing

Pure user guides

For information on updating a Pure profile, see a summary of what data you should add to Pure and the Pure user guides.


If you have any questions, please contact us.