Flywire payment methods
You must access Flywire's payment pages at registration by logging into the Registration Portal. For all payments after registration you must access Flywire via the Samis Portal; further information below. Please note, students should not share their login details with anyone.
On Flywire's first payment screen, please ensure you enter the country your payment is being made from, do not enter UK if your account is an internationally held account.
On Flywire's second payment screen, you should select your preferred payment method. If you want to pay with an alternative currency, scroll down and select 'I want to pay in another currency'.
1) Domestic Bank Transfer
Features of this option
- Bank transfer in the payer's home currency
- Bank transfer in alternative currencies such as GBP, EUR, USD
- Flywire's exchange rate matching scheme 'best price guarantee' available
- Bank details provided for offline bank transfer
- Emailed payment status updates e.g. when Flywire receive payment
- Facilitates education loan payments for Indian students
How this option works
Read our step by step guide how to pay by bank transfer You will firstly need to book a payment with Flywire. You must follow Flywire's payment screens to select your payment method and provide your student and payer information. Once all details have been confirmed, your payment will be booked.
Once you have booked your payment, Flywire will provide you with a unique payment reference along with bank details to make payment to. You can export these details to PDF by clicking 'Download instructions for the bank transfer' on the final 'Make Payment' screen. Bank transfers can be made using your banking app, by phoning your bank or visiting your bank in person.
The payment reference must be quoted on your payment. If you forget to quote your payment reference on your bank transfer, please email Flywire explaining the situation and providing your payment details such as account name, account number, payment date, payment amount.
You will receive a status update notification email when Flywire allocate your payment to your booking. The University will then receive your payment in 1-3 working days and send a receipt to your University email address when the money is allocated to your student account.
Please note, a new 'booking' must be created for any subsequent payments (for example, your second instalment).
Find out more about why a new booking must be made for each payment.
2) Instant Online Bank Transfer
Features of this option
- Payers log into their bank accounts within Flywire's webpages and approve an instant bank transfer
- Booking status immediately updated to reflect payment as paid
How this option works
This payment method requires the payer to be present to log into their online banking account, select the paying bank account and authorise the instant payment.
When the payment processes, Flywire will automatically update the status of your booking to advise you as well as the University that the payment is complete.
The University will receive your payment in 1-3 working days and send a receipt to your University email address when the money is allocated to your student account.
3) Credit or Debit Card
Features of this option
Immediate card payments can be made using:
- Visa debit or credit
- Mastercard
- Alipay
- UnionPay
How this option works
Card payments are immediate payments, you will need to complete your card payment within Flywire's payment screens.
Please be aware, if you select UK as your payment country but use an internationally issued card for payment or if your card is internationally issued and preloaded with GBP, when you proceed to payment you may be warned that if you continue, you will be charged an additional 3% international card processing fee. If the 3% fee warning appears and you would like to avoid the fee but use the same card, you should click 'Change payment method or payment country' and change the country to match the country where your card was issued.
After you make a successful card payment, you will receive an email from Flywire. The University will receive your payment in 1-3 working days and send a receipt to your University email address when the money is allocated to your student account.
Read Flywire's 'Card Payments' webpage to find out more about card payments.
Currency and exchange rates
Paying in currency or sterling
On the first of Flywire's payment pages, you will need to state which country your payment is being made from, this is the country where your bank account/ card is held.
On the second of Flywire's payment pages, payment options in your country's currency will be displayed.
You may have the option to pay in an alternative currency, simply scroll down and click the drop down option 'I want to pay in another currency'.
Currency exchange rates
Flywire offer competitive exchange rates as well as a Best Price Guarantee, this means Flywire may be able to match the exchange rate offered by other institutions such as your bank.
Read about Flywire's exchange rate and Best Price Guarantee.
You can contact Flywire's support team with any questions you may have or any aspect of their services at
How to access Flywire's payment pages
You must access Flywire by logging into the appropriate student portal with your applicant/student username and password.
Accessing Flywire's payment pages during registration
You will be emailed when online registration becomes available to you. As part of online registration, you must complete the 'Fees and Payments' section. If you need to arrange a payment during this section, you will be directed to Flywire's payment pages.
Please do not use any alternative links to Flywire, you must access Flywire via the University portal.
You will be unable to access Flywire's payment pages until registration opens.
Accessing Flywire's payment pages after you are registered
For all payments after you are registered, you should access Flywire by logging into Samis. Navigate to 'Student Home', scroll down to 'My Student Finance' and select 'Make a payment'.
Accessing Flywire to make a deposit payment
If you are a post graduate student, your course may require a deposit payment. You can access Flywire via 'Application Tracker' to complete payment.
Accessing Flywire's payment pages to pay accommodation fees
You can use Flywire to pay your accommodation fees.
Find out more about accommodation payment options.
Track and manage your Flywire payment
Flywire will send an email once you have have booked your payment. Flywire will also send an email when a payment has been received.
You can review payment instructions and track payment progress by clicking the 'Manage Your Payment' link in Flywire's initial email.
To change your payment method, click the 'Manage Your Payment' link and click 'Cancel Payment'. You will then be able to book a new payment.
Read Flywire's 'Track My Payment' webpage for more information