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Personal overview

Introduction to the personal overview page in Pure.

Personal overview page was redesigned in 2022 with an aim make the Pure layout and information more accessible and user-friendly. You can access this page by clicking on tab ‘Personal. In most cases, this will be the first page you see when logged onto Pure.

The personal overview provides a summary of your records in Pure, allows you to update information to be displayed on the University’s research portal and add to add new content. When you log onto Pure for the first time, this page will be mostly empty. This will change once you add information to Pure.

This page is visible only to yourself and users with access rights to Pure person profiles (such as Pure administrators, some support staff, trusted users).

The main components of the overview page are summarised below.

Researcher profile information

Screenshot of the personal overview showing the links for 1) editing profile; 2) link to the portal page; 3) a link to a CV; 4) a link to the research activity report; 5) a link to the Orcid page
Screenshot of the personal overview showing the links for 1) editing profile; 2) link to the portal page; 3) a link to a CV; 4) a link to the research activity report; 5) a link to the Orcid page

Profile information contains the following options:

  1. Edit profile: allows you to view and update information about yourself. Some information (such as your name, organisation affiliations and student supervision) will be added to Pure on your behalf. We encourage you to add a photo of yourself, a description about your research interests, and a link to your Orcid page and other online profiles. For more information see the guide on updating the profile for Research Portal.

  2. My public profile: allows you to navigate to your publicly facing profile page on the University’s research portal.

  3. Curricula vitae: view existing CVs or create a new CV based on Pure information.

  4. Research activity report: use this link to create your research activity report.

  5. Orcid ID: this will appear once you have added your Orcid ID to Pure.Linking Orcid and Pure will enable Pure to update your publication information on Orcid automatically.

  6. Summary of PlumX Metrics: summary of PlumX data for your publications. More on PlumX Metrics.

Content overview

Content overview (7) provides a summary of the different types of records added to your Pure profile. To view or amend the records, click on the content type (once you have navigated to the list of records, click on the ‘Personal overview’ to return).

To add a new record, click on the 'Add content’ button (on the right side of the screen). For more information about adding research outputs, activities, projects and other types of records, see the Pure user guides.

Project timeline

Screenshot of the project timeline in Pure
Screenshot of the project timeline in Pure

Your projects are displayed on a timeline graph. Click on the project title to view more details. The little circles on the timeline indicate that other content has been linked to the project. More on linking content in Pure. If there is no line underneath the project title, this indicates that a start or an end date is missing; open the project record to correct this. See this user guide to find out more about adding projects to Pure.

My supervision

Screenshot of Pure overview showing the details of the supervised students
Screenshot of Pure overview showing the details of the supervised students

This section will only appear if you are supervising doctoral students at the University of Bath (data from 2008 onwards). Student details are brought into Pure from the student system SAMIS. If there are any students missing or if the details are incorrect, please email and we will follow up with the Doctoral College.

A summary of theses records is shown if you have added your own doctoral thesis (under ‘Research outputs’) or are listed as a supervisor on a thesis (under ‘Bath student theses’).

Research network

Research network is a research relation and collaboration network map showing the relationships between yourself, your research outputs, projects, co-authors, and other content. You can explore this further by filtering which content to display and switching between relations on all content and co-authorships specifically. The summary of your top collaborating individuals and your most frequent affiliations is listed below; clicking on these will present you with a list of underpinning records.

Tasks and notifications

On the right side of the screen, below the ‘Add content’ button, you may see Tasks and Notifications. These will depend on your role in Pure. For example, under Tasks, you may be notified of any new publications awaiting import from online publication databases (the automated search of online sources can be set up by navigating to ‘Edit profile’ and then ‘Automated search’).

Under Notifications, you will see messages where changes have been made or comments added to your records in Pure.

Pure user guides

See other Pure user guides.

Log onto Pure

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If you have any questions, please contact us.

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