What do I do if my card doesn't work?
Regular use and accidental damage can mean that sometimes library cards no longer work as expected. Occasionally, some cards just fail even after a short period of use.
It is recommended you treat your library card in the same way you would handle and store your bank and credit cards. Please do not punch any holes in any section of a library card to attach it to anything else. If the internal components are not immediately destroyed, the lifespan of cards damaged in this way is usually substantially reduced.
Lanyards and card holders can be purchased from the Student Union shop if you wish to wear your card in this way.
If your library card is cracked, a part of it is broken off or the printed layers are peeling away, please contact the Reader Services Desk via library@bath.ac.uk in order to obtain a replacement card. A free replacement will be provided in exchange for a broken or damaged card.
Library staff may refer you to professional service colleagues in Accommodation, the STV Reception or Access Control for advice where cards function on Library systems (such as Library card scanners and Self-Issue machines) but do not provide the expected access to facilities.