Where to report lost property
Lost and found property is located at the Security desk in the Library, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you find a lost item, take it to the Security desk so that we can try to return it to the owner.
We will make every effort to identify the owner of any lost property and tell them when someone has handed in their item.
Items not returned to the owner
If we are unable to return an item to its owner, we will either destroy it or give it to charity.
The finder may also be able to claim it after 31 days. We will contact the finder by email if the item has not been returned to the owner.
If you would like to claim an item you found, inform us when we contact you and we will pass the property on to you.
You cannot claim:
- property containing confidential or personal information
- property that is the subject of a crime