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Research Portal

What information from Pure is displayed on the University's Research Portal, for exploring publicly available research information from our academics.

University of Bath's Research Portal

The University of Bath’s research portal was launched in autumn 2017, aiming to raise the visibility of the University’s research and provide open access to our publications. The portal draws the data from the University’s research information system, Pure, and aggregates the information at an individual and organisational level.

All current research staff and postgraduate research students with Pure accounts can have a personal profile page on the portal. Research portal profile information can be updated by editing your data in Pure (see how to update your profile).

Currently, only information about individuals, their publications, projects and datasets, and some of the University’s equipment is shown on the portal. For information to be displayed on the portal, their record visibility setting must be set to ‘Public – No restriction’. The visibility of profiles and other content can be amended at any time by logging onto Pure and changing the record’s visibility status.

For compliance with publishers and funders’ policies, research output and dataset records are validated by the Library before they are made publicly visible on the portal. We aim to validate the records within a working week but this might take longer in particularly busy periods. If you have concerns about a visibility of a publication’s full text document, and would like to request for it to be removed from the portal, follow the University’s Notice and Takedown Policy.

Pure user guides

See other Pure user guides.


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