Make a nomination for the Mary Tasker Award
Find out how to nominate someone for the award, the criteria and eligibility for entering, and the prize they could win.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
Find out how to nominate someone for the award, the criteria and eligibility for entering, and the prize they could win.
This Experiential Pathway to Fellowship enables experienced staff to gain HEA Fellowship, in recognition of their teaching, supervision and learning support.
A programme of work-based activities for lecturers at the University of Bath who need to gain recognition in HE teaching, in order to complete probation.
Probationary staff who teach must complete a programme of sessions within the Pathway to HEA Fellowship for probationary lecturers as a mandatory requirement.
The PedR Network aims to enhance learning and teaching in higher education through the critical enquiry of contemporary pedagogies, policy and practice.
Peer review of teaching aims to enhance the student learning experience and enable teaching staff to teach and facilitate learning even more effectively.
We have a series of online courses for researchers, which introduce key research and career management skills.
Find out how to apply for funding to support smaller-scale innovation projects.
Find out how to apply for funding to cover registration and travel costs to attend conferences and events that support best practice in teaching and learning.
Staff can encourage student engagement in a variety of ways, so that students are active partners in their education and can help co-create University strategy